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English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - Printable Version

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English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - humboldtjake - 03-18-2013


I am looking for a very inexpensive regionally accredited English 100 college composition course. It needs to be self-paced. Was looking for something under $300.

English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - rebel100 - 03-18-2013

English-Independent Study in Idaho-University of Idaho

UAF Correspondence Course Offerings

English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - clep3705 - 03-19-2013

Look at Adams State College: Undergraduate Courses - FAQs - Distance Learning

Q. How long will it take for me to complete a distance education course?
A. For open enrollment courses, the maximum time allowed for completion is one year from the date of registration. Semester-based courses must be completed within the semester of registration. If you are receiving federal or private financial aid, requirements may differ. The minimum time for completion of a course varies and can be found on the course syllabus. No exceptions will be made to the course completion time limits.

English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - bluebooger - 04-16-2014

English Composition College Course-Penn Foster College

not regionally, but does have ACE

and it is accepted by Excelsior
(porbably TECS and COSC too)

I'm doing this course and I think its great
the books are included in the price of the course (which is pretty amazing)
the course is relatively simple
there are no proctored exams
there are only a few papers to write
and there is no peer review you have to do
and its self paced

English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - bceagles - 04-28-2014

Idaho is the best option, in my opinion. They are really easy to work with.

English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - Prloko - 04-29-2014

humboldtjake Wrote:Hi,

I am looking for a very inexpensive regionally accredited English 100 college composition course. It needs to be self-paced. Was looking for something under $300.
Just look up "independent study" or "correspondence" and you should find a few RA universities that still do self paced IS courses. Unfortunately, these type of courses are dying out due to the proliferation of online courses, but you can still find some universities, that usually service rural populations that still offer credit by correspondence, like Ok State, Ok U, BYU, LSU, Idaho, UIU, Univ of Wyoming, etc. As far as UNDER $300, that is going to be tough, but they are usually not far off.

English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - UptonSinclair - 04-29-2014

I had a wonderful experience with WRTG-150 at BYU. It is self-paced and taught by a Phd. It costs a little over $500 though.

English Self-Paced Regionally Accredited? - Prloko - 04-30-2014

UptonSinclair Wrote:I had a wonderful experience with WRTG-150 at BYU. It is self-paced and taught by a Phd. It costs a little over $500 though.
I remember BYU courses were only about $300 only a few years ago. Yikes.