Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - Printable Version

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Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - SoliDeoGloria - 03-08-2013

I took my Microeconomics CLEP yesterday after studying off and on over the course of two weeks, and passed with a 73! I praise the Lord for getting me through this one...there is so much information to remember!

A couple of comments about this test: It definitely helped to have taken Macroeconomics first. I also ran across a wonderful website that I used for the bulk of my studying (Cho_ECON 202-501). I think it's class notes from the Microeconomics course at Texas A & M University (use the links that say "Slide for Chapter...after). But it's very simply laid out with definitions and wonderful graphs. It follows the CLEP exam breakdown quite well, but it is missing a few parts, so I used IC flashcards to fill in the gaps. I took one Peterson's PT (69%) and the OCSG practice test (76%) the day before. The actual exam felt pretty comfortable, so these resources worked great for me.

Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - andyco2004 - 03-08-2013

What did you use for your Macro test? I am using the flash cards on here. I was just wondering if you had another source for this also. Great job on your Micro. I took that yesterday and passed by the hair on my chin. I got a 50.


Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - SoliDeoGloria - 03-09-2013

I used Economics 102: Macroeconomics Course - Free Online Video Lessons | Education Portal, and it was wonderful. I just wrote down every definition on an index card to help me remember it better. But I felt that it prepared me very well. I took the Peterson's practice tests afterwards to help solidify the concepts I had learned. The first one was a little difficult because it was applying the concepts in a different context, but then I got about 80% on the OCSG test.

Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - jmichelle79 - 04-17-2013

Thank's for posting these links. I have to take this on Saturday and I feel unprepared.
I'll let everyone know how it goes Smile

Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - Elcie - 04-19-2013

Does the micro test provide graphs that you have to analyze? Is there any fill in the blanks or all multiple choice?

Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - SoliDeoGloria - 04-19-2013

Elcie Wrote:Does the micro test provide graphs that you have to analyze? Is there any fill in the blanks or all multiple choice?
Good questions! All of the questions are fill in the blank. If I remember correctly, yes there are some graphs that you have to analyze. This website (Cho_ECON 202-501) was great. But it was missing a few sections. Look over the breakdown of the test on the College Board website to figure out what else you need to go over. As I said above, I used IC flashcards for that. Make sure you understand the concepts and what the graphs of the different kinds of economies (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly, oligopoly, etc.) look like.

Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - anucha45 - 05-17-2013

Great job! Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm preparing for principles of macroeconomics exam now. I use IC flashcards and supplement them with a free course in macroeconomics from Coursera. Have a look at some other free courses available: I don't know how well the courses correspond to CLEP or DSST specific exam requirements, but I guess they could be also useful.

Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - bella2011 - 06-25-2013

oh no, the microeconomics link is dead.

Passed Microeconomics/Found great resource! - SoliDeoGloria - 06-25-2013

bella2011 Wrote:oh no, the microeconomics link is dead.

I know! I just realized that the other day when I tried to share it with someone else. I actually have all of the PDF files of it saved, but when I tried to attach them to a post, it said that even just one file was too big. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to attach several, large PDF files?