Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - Printable Version

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Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - steelers - 05-09-2007

I have been away for a while. I did not know that IC now has Social Psych as well! All that I have left is USSR, Stats and INL for a BS in Psych. Should I take Social Psych instead of Rise and Fall of the USSR if I have the choice? I don't care that it costs $100 more. I just know that it took me 3 weeks to study for Civil War and I don't really want to do that again. Plus, I have already taken all of the other UL Psych exams using IC alone. I only had to study each one for a few days:

Abnormal A
Adulthood A
Gerontology B
Research Methods A

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - sgloer - 05-09-2007

I think it's a no-brainer. If you already have a foundation in all of those other psych courses, Social Psych will require a lot less effort than USSR.

Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - steelers - 05-09-2007

I guess that I just needed to hear it from somebody else. BTW, do you know of anybody else besides Basket Weaver that has taken Social Psych. As is usually the case it appears that IC alone will be enough.

Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - sgloer - 05-09-2007

I haven't heard anything from anyone else....It's a pretty recent addition, and it doesn't seem to be very popular.

Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - ShotoJuku - 05-09-2007

[SIZE="2"]I concur, go with the Soc-Psych exam; you can always fall back on the USSR exam if needed but based on your recent grades I don't think you will need to. Good Luck!![/SIZE]

Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - Librevore - 05-09-2007

Definately the Social Psych! It looks very doable. I just switched to doing Research...Psych first,after starting to study Social, because of Lee's feedback. I'll be interested to hear your feedback after you take it. So will others, I'm sure. As you may already know, Excelsior changed their Psych major requirements this January so this is now one of the best options to help get the Psych upper levels by exam.

Good luck! Although, I agree with Shoto, you probably will do great without it.Big Grin

Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - mattie - 05-09-2007

Yeah, go for the Psych test. I"m actually studying for it right now. it's very interesting, and if you have a background in psychology; it's very easy.
Good luck!

Advice Needed! Would You Take Dantes USSR or ECE Social Psych If You Had a Choice - Basket Weaver - 05-10-2007

Based on my past posts, it's no secret what I think of this USSR test, but besides that, you have way too much Psych testing experience not too take this test. It is an easy study, once you get past the 4th section (was a pain for me because of all the different "selfs" to remember). After seeing your other scrores, I'm sure you'll do fine. Regards, Lee