Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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CLEP------- Where do I start? - Aya - 08-31-2012

I would like to know exactly where do I start. Do i register for the CLEP 1st and then study. Or do I study and then register? Does it make a difference?


CLEP------- Where do I start? - IrishJohn - 08-31-2012

Aya Wrote:I would like to know exactly where do I start. Do i register for the CLEP 1st and then study. Or do I study and then register? Does it make a difference?


You can do it in either order, whichever is best for you. If you sign up to take a CLEP first though, be sure you leave yourself enough time before your appointment to study. Some CLEPs may require a couple of weeks, a month or just a few days. It all depends upon whether the subject is something you feel confident in. Personally, I usually give myself 2 weeks for each one although the real tough ones like Principles of Finance (a DSST) I plan giving myself more time. Good luck!

CLEP------- Where do I start? - clep3705 - 08-31-2012

You can do either one. For some people, having a deadline forces them to stay on track. It is like setting a goal. For others, it is better to schedule after getting to the point of feeling comfortable with the content. Another consideration is test center availability. My preferred testing center has limited capacity, so it is necessary to schedule in advance hoping that I'll be ready by then. Sometimes I would reschedule because the material was more difficult than anticipated.

Be sure to use search before posting questions about a particular exam.

CLEP------- Where do I start? - Publius - 08-31-2012

Like Irish John and clep3705 stated, you can do it in either order.
What I'd recommend depends on how motivated you are.
High Motivation: I'd study first and when your ready schedule the test.
Lower Motivation: Scheduling the test may be plausible if you work better with deadlines.

Like clep3705 said, the testing center you plan on going to may have limited testing (it takes 3-4 weeks for me to get into mine).

Lastly, there's a 6 month retest period for CLEPs. Don't feel bad if you have to reschedule it if you don't feel ready. When your practice test scores start hitting above the 60% mark, you should be ready.
Regardless of which order you choose, when you go in to take the test, go in with confidence.

Best of luck to you!

CLEP------- Where do I start? - ryoder - 08-31-2012

1. buy the REA CLEP book for the subject in question
2. take 10 questions of the practice test to see where you stand
3. read the REA book
4. take practice test 1
5. schedule test for next week
6. learn what you got wrong on practice test 1 and retake it
7. take practice tests 2 and 3 and you are done
8. take the test

CLEP------- Where do I start? - Publius - 08-31-2012

ryoder Wrote:1. buy the REA CLEP book for the subject in question
2. take 10 questions of the practice test to see where you stand
3. read the REA book
4. take practice test 1
5. schedule test for next week
6. learn what you got wrong on practice test 1 and retake it
7. take practice tests 2 and 3 and you are done
8. take the test

Of course, throughout steps 1-7, use the IC cards!

CLEP------- Where do I start? - Prloko - 08-31-2012

Excellent advice already in this thread. For me personally, I work better with a deadline or else I tend to overstudy.

I study until about half way through the material (if not using IC), then from there I schedule the test planning on finishing my study at the same rate. (i.e. after 1 week, I reached the midpoint, I schedule my exam for the next week and cram away). Start with a real easy exam first. This will give you motivation to take more after you pass your first, they get addictive. If you need help finding an easy one, do a search in this forum (you'll usually see A&I literature advised), find one you feel you know a lot about already or like. Use IC, some of the suggested study guides, the specific feedback forum (worth every penny) and good old google to fill in the blanks.

If there is a practice test available, take one or two to see how well you know it (50-70% right on practice tests is a good indicator that your about ready), and pass the exam. Last step of course, share with everyone else how well you did and pay the advice you receive forward.

CLEP------- Where do I start? - jam123 - 08-31-2012

Find out about your local testing locations. I had one that I had to book a week in advance and another I could stop in anytime.

I would take Analyzing & Interpreting Lit as your first CLEP. There is really no studying needed and it will get your feet wet.

I used InstantCert and the test forums on this site exclusively to pass 15 CLEP and DSST exams in 2 months. I would cram for 2-3 days then go take a test. IT depends on how well you retain what you read. I used the CLEP Difficulty List (Google) to help determine how much I needed to study.

At the time you take your CLEP you can have your results sent to your school for free. The downside is that any failures are also sent. The other option is to have CLEP hold on to them until you take a bunch. Then you submit a transcript request to CLEP for $20-30 and you can request only passing scores be sent. Why is this important? I had one school tell me that if I failed a CLEP I'd have to take the class at that school. So check with your school. Ask what happens if you fail a CLEP.

CLEP------- Where do I start? - ShotoJuku - 08-31-2012

"A Pass is a Pass"
"Slow and Steady - Wins the Race"
[B][I]“Sometimes The Easy Way Is Not Always The Best Way”

"Passing a Petersons = Conquering a CLEP -or- Defeating a DSST"
"The 5 R's of Study: Repetition - Re-Enforces - Recognition - Recall - Retention"[/B][/I]
"Always be Ready to Release Your Mind & Incorporate the Advice of Others into Your Plans."
"Studying is much like Boiling Water, if it is not Heated Constantly it will Once Again Become Cold Water."

Other Sources of CLEP & DSST Study Material
[SIZE="3"]REA Books, Comex Books, Pass Your Class Guides, Standard Deviants DVD's, Petersons Practice Exams, [COLOR="Gold"]Dummies Books, Idiot's Guides [/COLOR]. Big Grin[/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"]Study Time: How I Did It…[/SIZE]

Pre-Study-Prep: Obtain or set up whatever materials I will need to study (IC Flashcards, REA Books, Standard Deviants Videos, Pass-Your-Class Guides, and Petersons Practice Exams.

Week One: Begin to read books, review flashcards, watch videos. Call your test center and make an appointment in advance as they sometimes require a few weeks advance notice).

Week Two: Re-read books, review flashcards, watch videos Take 1-2 practice exams* (REA, Petersons).

Week Three: Continue to review all materials, take additional/final practice exams. You should be passing these with room to spare. Take real exam at end of the week and PASS. In addition, you should have at this point already acquired pre-study-prep materials for your next exam so as not to waste time.[/COLOR]

* It should be noted that there are many (like me) who feel that the practice exams may be a bit more difficult and as such if you are able to "pass" a practice exam (with room to spare) you should do well when you sit the actual exam.

Something Else To Know

FACT: The lowest possible score is a 20. The highest possible is an 80.

FACT: Approx. 1/2 the questions on the test must be successfully answered to get a 50, or a pass.

THE HYPOTHESIS: In a 100 question test, such as Sociology and many others, there are only 60 possible points (between 20-80) for 100 questions.

60 points divided by 100 questions = .6pts

If each questions is worth .6 points, 50 correct questions = 50q X .6pts = 30pts

You must add 20 since 0 correct questions = 20pts.

30 points + 20 points = 50 points, or a pass.

Now: If each point in a 100 question test is worth .6 points, 100 questions X .6 points = 60; 60 + 20 = 80.

By this formula, answering 75 questions correctly would translate to a score of 65.

CLEP------- Where do I start? - Aya - 08-31-2012

Thank you guys very much!