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Intro to Business DSST scoring confusion - dcjulian - 08-28-2012

So... I've searched around and nowhere do I find the simple info I'm looking for.

How many questions out of 100 do I need to get right?

Intro to Business DSST scoring confusion - Prloko - 08-28-2012

THey don't tell you that info. DSST has info posted based on the old scoring system on how many question you need, but the none for the new system. For most exams, if you get anywhere from 50-60% correct, you most likely passed. This of course is not canon and it depends on exam title and the specific exam form you get.

This type of question has been asked and answered several times. Try doing a search above and you'll save yourself some time. Also, when you take a CLEP/DSST, don't forget to pass on any advice/pointers. Good luck.

Intro to Business DSST scoring confusion - NAP - 08-28-2012

Actually, they do give this info for the refreshed DSST exams. Intro to Business requires 40-45% correct. It is on the bottom of the second page of the first link of this post by CooperAlex:

Fix second link:

Intro to Business DSST scoring confusion - Publius - 08-28-2012

The refreshed exams differ from the other DSSTs and all the CLEPs. As NAP said, you need 40-45% right to pass. On your PTs, I'd suggest aiming for at least 50% and preferably 60% before you test.

Intro to Business DSST scoring confusion - Prloko - 08-28-2012

I remember seeing this before but couldn't find it again. It still depends on the form you get, hence the score range Smile

NAP Wrote:Actually, they do give this info for the refreshed DSST exams. Intro to Business requires 40-45% correct. It is on the bottom of the second page of the first link of this post by CooperAlex: