Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - Printable Version

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For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - Prloko - 05-21-2012

I found a summary of a study done on clep and non clep students. I posted an exerpt and a link below.

"Overall, CLEP students had more favorable academic outcomes than nonCLEP students.
Overall, after controlling for demographics and prior achievement, CLEP students:
graduated about 1 semester sooner
enrolled in approximately a half semester less
graduated with approximately 1.5 fewer credits
had GPAs approximately 0.15 points higher than nonCLEP students."

A Comparison of CLEP and nonCLEP Students with Respect to Time to Degree, Number of School Credits, GPA, and Number of Semesters

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - jmichelle79 - 05-22-2012


Someone I know gave me a hard time about testing. I finally challenged them to test. I was never taken up on my offer, but at least that person stopped talking trash.

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - ryoder - 05-22-2012

I see the same problem in my line of work. I have a bunch of industry certifications like the Sun Certified Java Programmer. People often act like it doesn't matter or that its a paper certification. So I tell them that if they do study for it and take the test, they will most definitely pass due to their experience but they should do it anyway because it can't hurt and they might learn something. They typically agree with that but never take it.
A lot of people are anti-test in general.

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - beargins - 05-22-2012

ryoder Wrote:I see the same problem in my line of work. I have a bunch of industry certifications like the Sun Certified Java Programmer. People often act like it doesn't matter or that its a paper certification. So I tell them that if they do study for it and take the test, they will most definitely pass due to their experience but they should do it anyway because it can't hurt and they might learn something. They typically agree with that but never take it.
A lot of people are anti-test in general.

I agree with you, the SCJP is no cake walk and from what I understand even experienced java programmers are better to study for it. I've read through about 500 pages of Kathy Sierras book, I never took the test though because I wasn't confident + I was clepping and taking other courses.

The 8 CLEPS i've taken have saved me about 3 semesters of school of school (3 cleps worth 6cr each).

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - gmagerr - 05-22-2012

I've done both B&M and Testing out. In a classroom, the instructor has an agenda, and is basically going over the topics you will be tested on. Studying for a CLEP or DSST, you really have no idea what to expect, so you study EVERYTHING. for example, when I was going to school, I'd take notes during class, and when exam time came around, I'd study my notes and do just fine. Testing out is very different. You must have a much broader understanding of the topic, so studying, at least for me, is much more intense. Does anyone else feel the same way?

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - sanantone - 05-22-2012

I'm guilty of getting As in courses while reading the bare minimum, but that's only because I work full-time and courses require that you waste so much time on assignments. When studying for CLEPs/DSSTs, I don't have to waste any time writing 20-page papers or participating in discussion boards. Like Gmagerr said, you don't know what to expect on the tests, so you study everything. Most courses don't even have enough time to assign readings for the whole textbook. Some of my past courses skipped half of the textbook.

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - SuZQ2 - 05-22-2012

I agree completely with gmagerr - as you don't know what will be on your test, you generally prepare by studying everything available for your specific topic - not an easy task AT ALL. I have always been a self-motivated person and like to do things on my own, in my own way, and at my own rate of speed. Testing allows you the flexibility to do this - it isn't easier, just different, as you are now essentially both teacher and student.

To those who think this is a piece of cake - try it...and try it with a subject you know nothing about. I studied for almost 4 months before I felt confident enough to sit for my first exam.

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - Publius - 05-22-2012

When most people think it's cheating they say or think so because they're just upset they didn't know about it (or were to lazy to bother with it) when they were going through school. There isn't much of a reason that they couldn't take one (granted their college accepts them), IF they wanted to save time and money.

If it was really cheating why are 2900 schools accepting them? If this was some scandal you'd find maybe 29 institutions involved in it, not 2900. Also if this was cheating how would CLEP survive all these decades? It's for these reasons that I don't think the people who claim this really believe this... if they still believed it, why aren't they out there, doing everything they can to expose us, expose this cheating phenomenon? Most likely because they're to busy working long hours trying to pay off their student loans.

We aren't going out there saying everyone who attends a B&M college is cheating because they don't have to plan out their entire degree, because they don't have to take any CLEPs (why can't we through this back on them? Taking a CLEP is no more cheating then not taking one!!), etc. This is a legitimate means to earn a degree, that's all there is to it. We just happen to be doing faster and cheaper then they are (like I've said, I think that's why their mad). Let people earn their degrees how they want because they're still earning it!

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - Prloko - 05-23-2012

gmagerr Wrote:I've done both B&M and Testing out. In a classroom, the instructor has an agenda, and is basically going over the topics you will be tested on. Studying for a CLEP or DSST, you really have no idea what to expect, so you study EVERYTHING. for example, when I was going to school, I'd take notes during class, and when exam time came around, I'd study my notes and do just fine. Testing out is very different. You must have a much broader understanding of the topic, so studying, at least for me, is much more intense. Does anyone else feel the same way?

This is EXACTLY how I feel. You'll have a textbook that you maybe work 12 key chapters on in class, but the CLEP/DSST covers all of it. Which is why you can get half the questions right and still know as much as a C student. I think if you study for a high grade on CLEP/DSST, you get more from the material, but not everyone is built to do college by testing IMO.

For those that say CLEP is "cheating" - Publius - 05-27-2012

There have been studies done, and people who study one subject at a time heavily for a short period of time retain more information then the people who study multiple subjects at a time for a longer period. So generally when someone studies a topic for a CLEP for 4-5 hours for a week or two will retain more information in then the folks who study 5 subjects in a college for an entire semester.

I took the Biology CLEP back in February, and just so you know, biology is my LEAST favorite subject. FCP recently came out with a PT for Bio, and I haven't touched a lick of Bio since my CLEP (3+ months) and got 60% correct on the PT. That's not great but between hating Bio and not touching it for over 3 months I was surprised not only at my score, but at how much I remembered. Okay, I know it's weird that I took a PT for a test I already passed and in a topic I dislike, but I really like FCP's PTs and I was just pretty bored at the time.