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Spanish CLEP - Printable Version

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Spanish CLEP - Firedup4Jesus - 03-22-2012

Hey everyone, I was wondering how long it takes (reasonably) to complete to Spanish CLEP test. I have about 4-6 hours a week to study and I have taken absolutely NO Spanish. Is Spanish Hour the best way to go or would you suggest something else? Has anyone out there taken the Spanish CLEP without having any prior knowledge of Spanish? I would love any comments or helpful tips you can give me. Also, I am considering just taking the Spanish 1 which is 6 credits. How would I know when to stop studying on the Spanish hour website? Thanks and God bless....

Spanish CLEP - clep3705 - 03-22-2012

I'm interesting in the answers to that question as well.

I found a website that offers live CLEP Spanish tutoring online: Spanish CLEP Preparation Lessons Online

Spanish CLEP - jtalama - 03-22-2012

The language exams are considered the most difficult. I'm Hispanic and although I don't consider myself fluent, the language is and was spoken around me since early childhood and I played Spanish music in a band until my mid 20s. While you can earn up to 12 credits with a good score, I only got 6. I chalk it up to having been around lots of slang and Spanglish all my life. Smile That's not to say you can't get 12, it would likely be extremely difficult if you don't already know Spanish.

For a non-Spanish speaker, you're going to want to spend a lot of time studying. I used SpanishHour and found it to be very nicely laid out. You're going to want to soak every lesson up and don't move on to the next lesson until you fully understand. There is a lot of work to each "day" with SpanishHour, so I can see it taking 50 days with an hour or two per day, for those new to the language. After that, I'd use another study resource that would help you re-enforce what you learned with SH.

Spanish CLEP - jtalama - 03-22-2012

BTW - burbuja also took the test and totally aced it. Good person to ask about the test itself.

Spanish CLEP - Firedup4Jesus - 03-22-2012

Great thanks a lot jtalama. Smile I want to give it a try. Anyone else who has info please continue to post!

Spanish CLEP - sgloer - 03-23-2012

Feedback on the materials is still a bit limited, but check out this thread over at SpanishHour:
Practice test vs real deal?

User jkb there reports that with no prior Spanish experience, he studied the full 50 day course at SpanishHour (took him about 3 months) and squeaked by with a 50 on the Spanish CLEP. I thought that was incredibly impressive and really shows how thorough the 50 Day course is for teaching the reading and grammar, as he probably achieved the 50 without doing very well on the audio portions of the test.

Spanish CLEP - jtalama - 03-23-2012

sgloer Wrote:Feedback on the materials is still a bit limited, but check out this thread over at SpanishHour:
Practice test vs real deal?

User jkb there reports that with no prior Spanish experience, he studied the full 50 day course at SpanishHour (took him about 3 months) and squeaked by with a 50 on the Spanish CLEP. I thought that was incredibly impressive and really shows how thorough the 50 Day course is for teaching the reading and grammar, as he probably achieved the 50 without doing very well on the audio portions of the test.

Good point! I had no problem with the audio portion since most of my exposure has been spoken Spanish. Naturally, I had difficulty with grammar (accents).

SpanishHour is a great resource and I recommend it. Another resource would be the audiobooks by Pimsleur.