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California Community College Credit Wash? - humboldtjake - 11-07-2011

I see a bunch of California Community Colleges on Straighterline's site. Just wondering if anyone has gotten Straighterline units on their transcript?

California Community College Credit Wash? - durandtheman - 11-07-2011

By "Credit Wash" I'm assuming you are looking for official grades to be posted rather than just Pass/Fail? Just so you know, I don't believe there are any more "Credit Wash" schools that exist for Straighterline (Possibly Albany State, but nothing confirmed yet) . Fort Hays used to accept the SL credit and transcribe as a Fort Hays course. Every other school would list Straighterline on the transcript, and even if they list as a grade, if you were to then take that transcript, you would still have SL as where the credit was awarded from.

The list of "Partner Colleges" on Straighterline doesn't actually include and California-specific schools, but it does list non-partner Cali schools that have awarded credit. I am 99% certain that all the credit awarded will be Pass/Fail rather than a graded-washed Cali school course.

I haven't attempted to wash any of my credits through Cali schools, but from the money it takes to apply and possibly enroll, I think the days of being able to actually "wash" the credit are long gone.

California Community College Credit Wash? - humboldtjake - 11-07-2011

I don't really care about the grades. I just want the credit as school credit. :-(

California Community College Credit Wash? - durandtheman - 11-07-2011

All these will be accepted as credit. You'll still receive the units on your transcript no matter where you get it from. ACE recommends 3u for most of these courses, with the lab courses adding an additional 1u.

Where are you going to school? Just be clear with them that they accept ACE accredited courses, and you'll receive 3u for each Straighterline course that you get sent there. It won't be listed as "having taken the class at that school", but they will be listed as Pass/Fail, so you'll get the credit, the 3 units will be added into your total, but it won't affect your GPA.

Hope that helps answer your question.

California Community College Credit Wash? - humboldtjake - 11-07-2011

I go to Humboldt State, a CSU, so they're a little picky about ACE than the Big 3.

California Community College Credit Wash? - durandtheman - 11-07-2011

You may be out of luck then, or possibly have to ask Albany State whether you can apply, send them your SL transcript, and then have them transcribe the classes as their own courses, and no have SL listed anywhere on the transcript.

Otherwise there are no more "credit washes" for SL courses. Everywhere, including the Big 3, all list SL as where the courses came from.

I would recommend talking with your counselor regarding the specific ACE courses. Don't just ask if they will accept Straighterline courses. Go to the ACE website below which is filtered to Straighterline, and then print out each course you want to take, and present it to the counselor. Make a case WHY they should accept these courses, provide as much official documentation you can to prove these are legitimate courses, and you may be able to get them on to your own transcript after completing.

ACE - Straighterline courses