Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
New forum layout - Printable Version

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New forum layout - keithk - 10-05-2011

What is this strange world I've entered today, it looks so alien....actually, I thought I was at that "other site" for a second.

<edit> I was worried there would be ads throughout every thread now, thankfully that's not the case!

New forum layout - Storyteller - 10-05-2011

I feel like I'm Alice in Wonderland - Everything is familiar, but so different!
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that, and I agree, no annoying ads - yippee.

New forum layout - dcan - 10-05-2011

I think I'm blind now. Sad

New forum layout - Elinor - 10-05-2011

I'm so lost... Sad

New forum layout - bricabrac - 10-05-2011

I'm thrilled about the "mark forums read" button!! Bravo!

Having to click on every thread in the old system was such pain.

New forum layout - alleycat - 10-05-2011

I completely hate it........alot. Sad

New forum layout - nflight - 10-05-2011

I like it. I think it looks nice. Kinda shi shi and shiny. Smile ....Wonder if they serve champagne around here?

New forum layout - alleycat - 10-05-2011

Painfully different. :confused: Not crazy about the new format.

New forum layout - CLEP101 - 10-05-2011

I like it. It will take a few minutes to navigate and get used to it but it's a nice upgrade. Pretty cool.Smile
The new smileys are not as good as the old ones though.

New forum layout - ShotoJuku - 10-05-2011

[COLOR="#0000CD"]This seems to be the new format of many similar forums; it is what it is.[/COLOR]