Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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BSBA! Now from where? - KyleH - 07-03-2011


I've decided to probably pursue a Bachelors in Business Administration. First I'm finishing my History degree just because I'm so close and want to get started on my Masters ASAP (which I'll pursue while working on the second Bachelors). What I need to figure out now is where to get the BSBA from.

My first choice was TESC because that's where I'm getting my history degree and if I can do it within a year I won't have to pay extra tuition. However, TESC has a 120-credit maximum on transferring credits, so (and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong) I doubt I'll be able to transfer any more units to get the second bachelors.

So if that doesn't work, it's either Charter Oaks or Excelsior. Anybody have advice as to which one I should pick?

I currently have Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Business Statistics that can apply to the business section.


BSBA! Now from where? - ryoder - 07-03-2011

Yes you are wrong about the 120 credit thing. You should see my transcript!!!! I have a zillion credits and counting.

Go TESC man you will not be disappointed.
Now go start studying those business tests. I obviously push the REA books heavily but if you want to get your feet wet in business thinking, the Marketing CLEP is easily read in a long weekend and you can take the test next week after doing some of the practice tests.

I would also order the accounting book for the Straighterline Accounting I&II classes right away. Get it on used and while you are at it, get the business comm book.
These straighterline classes are great. You can do them at your own pace and take a chapter test at a time until you are done. Its 100 a month and 39 a class so its a great deal.

BSBA! Now from where? - ryoder - 07-03-2011

I am now an expert at a second bachelors at TESC. It all makes sense to me now.
Here is how it works.
There is a 33 credit concentration for every major, including a BSBA General Management.
Go do a degree eval on gen mgmt and see what fits into those 33 credits.
Once you do that, know that TESC will only allow you to keep 9 of those 33 for the new major. I doubt you have 9 anyway since history is so different from the BSBA. I bet the business stats is the only one that fits in there.

So say you have 9 credits in your block of 33. Now go get 24 credits to fill out that block, respecting the requirements of the block. Each degree is different. Gen mgmt has some interesting sub blocks.

Here is a copy from my eval. You can see that my BSBA CIS only granted me a few classes into the gen mgmt specialization.

I) 3: General Management Specialization (18sh)
Credits: 9

I) A: GMS Required Areas
> Complete one three semester hour course in three of the
> following four areas: Accounting, Finance, Management,
> Marketing. These courses must be above the introductory
> level.
Credits: 3
N) Group 1
___________________________________________________________ 3 credits
N) Group 2
___________________________________________________________ 3 credits
C) Group 3
PSY-361 Organizational Behavior.... 02/16/11 CR 3 *NE
N) Group 4
___________________________________________________________ 3 credits

I) B: GMS Elective Area
> Complete three more 3 semester hour courses from any
> assortment of the four areas above, using courses above the
> introductory level.

Credits: 6 Required: 9 Remaining: 3
CIS-301 Management Information Syst 01/20/11 CR 3 *NE
OPM-351 Business Statistics........ 12/18/10 CR 3 *NE
____________________________________________________ 3 credits needed

BSBA! Now from where? - KyleH - 07-03-2011

Wow! This news made my week. Thank you so much! I'm going to wait a bit before I start studying for business since most of my time is currently occupied with the History degree. But I'll remember to do the Marketing CLEP first and what you said about Straighterline. I'll probably be on here a lot when I start figuring out which tests to take and how. For now I just need to knock out that History degree...

Thanks again ryoder!


BSBA! Now from where? - bricabrac - 07-03-2011

Hi Kyle,

I would like to build on Ryoder's advice.

You will need 24 NEW credits after the history degree conferral date. But do not take any exams/courses within the general management required and electives area until after your history conferral date. The software will give you a general idea of what courses fit in each section but it is not approved. So hold on those 18 credits plus choose six from the business core area. The easy choices would be business policy since it's best to take after you have some, if not most, of the other UL courses under your belt; and maybe business ethics & society because it’s not that hard. Take your time studying for business law if you have no prior business experience.

Any other credits you need to fill other than the required 24 NEW you can do anytime. Remember, if you are missing any other courses within the business core they also have to be taken (accounting I & II, principles of finance...). I wanted to add clarity. I found out the policies were in the process of changing in May; although as usual, not clearly detailed in the catalog. The only way to know is to speak to an advisor or the registrar’s office. I became painfully aware during a decision made by the evaluator’s office.

Good luck on completing your history degree and hope you decide to also pursue the business degree!

BSBA! Now from where? - KyleH - 07-04-2011

Oh thanks! More great info. Do you think it would be possible to get some of those new credits before I finish the History degree as long as those credits were never on my transcript? An answer to this question might come in handy if I discover I have a large chunk of time and nothing to do with it.

I'm not totally sure what type of changes they made in May that you were referring to, but I'll definitely get some sort of evaluation to make sure I'm fulfilling all the required courses. At some point I'll have to post a degree plan to get it approve with the people on this forum....or maybe I'll just find the last person who did this and use theirs.


BSBA! Now from where? - bricabrac - 07-04-2011

Hopefully this adds clarity.

I've copied my acad eval below, the business core and GMS Area of Study/Specialization. Everything in blue (18 NEW) cannot be filled until after your current degree conferral date. I've highlighted in red (6 NEW) two core courses that are to be filled after conferral date; but you can choose any two of the nine core courses that you prefer.

The change:
The second degree policy indicates 24 new credits must be completed in the area of study/core. For a BSBA, the specialization must be all new credit earned after the time of graduation of the prior bachelor degree.

Three of my courses in the specialization area were taken prior to the conferral of my first degree so they removed them. I appealed the decision and won because I enrolled under the 2010 catalog.

Core (27sh)
A: Intr Finl/Mgrl Acctg (Completed)
1.. ACCT203 Principles of Accounting 3.00 A ACC-101 *NEW *TE
1.. ACCT204 Accounting II............ 3.00 B ACC-102 *TE
B: Business Law (Completed)
2.. LAW-201... Business Law............. 3.00 CR LAW-201 *NEW *NE
C: Compu Lit/Intr CIS (Completed)
2.. CIS-107... Computer Concepts and App 3.00 B+
D: Princ of Finance (Completed)
2.. FIN-301... Principles of Finance.... 3.00 CR FIN-301 *NE
E: Prins of Management (Completed)
2.. MAN-301... Principles of Management. 3.00 CR MAN-301 *NEW *NE
F: Intro to Marketing (Completed)
2.. MAR-301... Introduction to Marketing 3.00 CR MAR-301 *NE
G: Bus in Soc/Int'l Mgt (Completed)
2.. BUS-311... Business in Society...... 3.00 CR BUS-311 *NEW *NE
H: Business Policy (Pending)
2.. BUS-421... Business Policy.......... (3.00) ___ *NEW *IP

General Management Specialization (18sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
Complete both subrequirements:
A: GMS Required Areas (Completed)
Group 1 (Completed)
2.. ACC-201... Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 CR ACC-201 *NEW *NE
Group 3 (Completed)
2.. PSY-363... Industrial Psychology.... 3.00 CR *NEW
Group 4 (Completed)
2.. MAR-351... Consumer Behavior........ 3.00 CR MAR-351 *NE

B: GMS Elective Area (Completed)
2.. MAN-331... Human Resources Managemen 3.00 CR MAN-331 *NEW *NE
2.. PSY-361... Organizational Behavior.. 3.00 CR PSY-361 *NE
2.. OPM-351... Business Statistics...... 3.00 CR OPM-351 *NE

BSBA! Now from where? - KyleH - 07-04-2011

Oh wow, thank you. This undoubtedly saved me a lot of trouble. Looks like there are plenty in the core to keep me busy, so I'll start hacking away at those.

Thanks a ton!


BSBA! Now from where? - ryoder - 07-04-2011

Bricabrac is right. Sorry I forgot to mention that very important thing. I too had to wait until after conferral to begin the new degree program.

BSBA! Now from where? - bricabrac - 07-04-2011

Happy to help and enjoy the holiday!