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Difference between Straighterline and "normal" Independent Study courses? - Printable Version

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Difference between Straighterline and "normal" Independent Study courses? - dcan - 05-14-2011

I see both Straighterline and "regular" distance learning/independent study courses (e.g. LSU, BYU, UIU) discussed here. What is the real difference between taking say Accounting or Economics through Straighterline and taking it through LSU independent study? By "difference" I mean from the student standpoint.

Is it only a cost issue? In other words, if you complete either one in less than a month you only pay $139 for Straighterline vs maybe $400 for LSU/BYU/etc?

I will potentially try to use TA to pay for a couple of accounting IS courses from UIU, so I'm trying to find out if there is a real incentive to spend $139 to get a "better" product from Straighterline.


Difference between Straighterline and "normal" Independent Study courses? - skyfall123 - 05-15-2011

Quote:What is the real difference between taking say Accounting or Economics through Straighterline and taking it through LSU independent study? By "difference" I mean from the student standpoint.

Straighterline is self-paced and doesn't require homework assignments or a proctor. If you are motivated and have the time you could complete courses in under two weeks. The LSU courses require the submission of homework assignments and procotored exams. There is a limit to the amount of assignments you can submit at any one time, so the fastest you could complete an LSU course is on the order of 6-8 weeks. The LSU courses are regionally accredited. The Straighterline courses are ACE approved. Now it's important to note that FHSU accepts Acct I & Acct II, Macro and Micro from Straighterline and gives letter graded credit. So you can send those SL courses to FHSU and you can end up with regionally accredited letter graded credit on an official transcript which will then likely transfer anywhere.

Difference between Straighterline and "normal" Independent Study courses? - TheCommuter - 05-15-2011

Straighterline courses are self-paced, whereas many university independent study courses require a minimum amount of time to complete. Some independent study websites say, "Plan on a minimum of three months to complete this course. You will not be allowed to finish it sooner." On the other hand, I have completed some of Straighterline's courses in a few days.

Cost is another factor. If you can complete two Straighterline courses in a month, then all you will have paid is a $99 subscription fee plus $78 ($39 for each class). This adds up to $177 for six college credits, which is a good deal. If, for instance, you go through ISI (Independent Study in Idaho), you'll pay $100 per credit hour, so six credits will cost you $600.

Accreditation is another issue. Straighterline's courses are not regionally accredited. They are all ACE-approved. You will basically have to transfer the credits into a Straighterline partner school or find a college or university that accepts ACE recommendations for college credit. As the previous poster mentioned, Fort Hays will transcribe five Straighterline courses as their very own.

Difference between Straighterline and "normal" Independent Study courses? - dcan - 05-15-2011

Excellent summaries. Thanks to both of you. cheersmate