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Biggest drawback to studying? - burbuja0512 - 03-25-2011

Ugh... Just got on the scale and am 5-8 pounds up from my pre-study weight. No it isn't a lot and probably not noticeable to anyone other than me, but my time is limited. Time studying = time not spent on the treadmill.

Anyone else notice the drawbacks of extra time spent on the computer? Thank goodness I'm almost done and can spend the summer working my butt off before I start on my masters!

Biggest drawback to studying? - Maniac Craniac - 03-26-2011

Less time to study other things :nopity:

Biggest drawback to studying? - ryoder - 03-26-2011

I gained a little fat and lost a little muscle. I used to lift weights four times a week and cut back to two times a week. Muscle is much harder to build than fat is to lose so I worry more about the muscle loss than anything.
Some of my studying time came out of my xbox time so that is a good trade.

Biggest drawback to studying? - skybirds - 03-26-2011

So sleeepy zzzZZzzDzzz....

Biggest drawback to studying? - PonyGirl93 - 03-26-2011


Augh. I actually finally dragged my butt to the eye doctor and got glasses because of how many eye strain headaches I was getting.

Biggest drawback to studying? - FinancialWorld - 03-26-2011

Dear burbuja0512,

Studying, all the time, has allowed a very skinny and tall guy like me gain a little weight. I am happy to inform you that I am now longer being trampled upon by people when I turn sideways (I'm getting a little thicker :roflol: ). I believe this sleight weight gain has been caused by the added stress of constantly studying, my increased use of computer, dealing with the customer service departments of Many Many colleges (very frustrating), and possibly my own laziness :o . Weight gain is no snickering issue (I'm not making fun of you), and that is why I'm now scheduling time into my busy days to exercise. This also gives a time for my already fragile brain to rest. More (good) sleep, better foods (no trans fats, caffeine, white bread, soft drinks...ok I'll stop), and adding more stress relieving exercises will help curb those extra pounds. My skinny days of being trampled will be coming back. Happy day.

Dr. Harry Bonehead

Biggest drawback to studying? - burbuja0512 - 03-26-2011

rossatkinson Wrote:Dear burbuja0512,

Studying, all the time, has allowed a very skinny and tall guy like me gain a little weight. I am happy to inform you that I am now longer being trampled upon by people when I turn sideways (I'm getting a little thicker :roflol: ). I believe this sleight weight gain has been caused by the added stress of constantly studying, my increased use of computer, dealing with the customer service departments of Many Many colleges (very frustrating), and possibly my own laziness :o . Weight gain is no snickering issue (I'm not making fun of you), and that is why I'm now scheduling time into my busy days to exercise. This also gives a time for my already fragile brain to rest. More (good) sleep, better foods (no trans fats, caffeine, white bread, soft drinks...ok I'll stop), and adding more stress relieving exercises will help curb those extra pounds. My skinny days of being trampled will be coming back. Happy day.

Dr. Harry Bonehead

ROFLMAO. :roflol:

LOL did my post come across as a little vain? Hmmmm... well, maybe just a little, but weight gain could be considered a serious side effect of studying. ha ha I guess I didn't hit the "freshman 15," so I shouldn't complain. lol

I'm just glad I caught it before starting graduate school! Wink

Biggest drawback to studying? - Ace_King - 03-26-2011

Hmm werid, I have lost 25 pounds since December, and studying like CRAZY. But then again, I go to the gym 6 times a week for two hours >.<

P.S: I don't have a job that's why. Haha. Sad

Biggest drawback to studying? - FinancialWorld - 03-26-2011

I think a person's weight could go either way (gain or loss). It all has to do with their reaction to stress. Although sitting around all day, whether on the computer or just reading books, could add to your weight gain. I think it really just comes down to how the each person handles their stress, anxiety, etc. JMHO

Biggest drawback to studying? - TheCommuter - 03-26-2011

My biggest drawback to studying is the fact that I am now working less hours than a few months ago. Since I am paid an hourly wage, less hours equals less money.

From July 2010 until February 2011 I worked two jobs. Both jobs consisted of 12-hour night shifts from 6pm to 6:30am as a floor nurse at two different healthcare facilities. I worked a minimum of 60 hours per week, and sometimes I would accumulate 84+ hours per week when I'd work seven of these 12-hour shifts in a row. Since I am single with no kids, a small mortgage, no car payments, and only a small amount of student loan debt, I was able to save a nice amount of money in those seven months of working two jobs.

However, I decided that working all those hours would be unhealthy in the long run, so I resigned from one job. I have less cash flow, but I am enjoying my days off and I now have plenty of free time to study and pursue my education.