Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Newbie here - Printable Version

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Newbie here - vickyvicky - 12-26-2010

Hi, I am a newbie here. I am plannning to attack the CLEP math test. Because of my health reason, I can't attend traditional school. I have't signed up for the IC yet, is it really good?

I really would like to receive some advice and make good friends here.


Newbie here - vickyvicky - 12-27-2010

Hi, I am new here. I want to tacke the CLEP math and I signed up for IC.
I am wondering is IC alone enough, or should I order other books from Amazon.
If please, can someone explain to me what is all this good deal about EX school? Do you have to go there?

Newbie here - creative - 12-27-2010

Welcome! If you have already signed up for IC-- you have access to 'Specific Exam Feedback'. This section of the forum has lots of information from IC members that took the particular test you are interested in. They give information as to what to study, how hard the test was, if the IC cards were enough to study, helpful resources etc. That would be the first place I would go to see more information about this test and how to tackle it. I would also use this helpful website. This website will give an overview of the test and give you a link to the free Peterson practice tests. Don't be shy about using the search function on this forum. There are tons of helpful threads!! Hope this helps.

Newbie here - marianne202 - 12-27-2010

Welcome to the forum. I think you will find this to be a great supportive group. Excelsior (EC) is an online school based in NY. They are regionally accredited and have a very flexible policy on transfer of credits, credit by exam and non-residency requirements. Thomas Edison State College (TESC) and Charter Oak State College (COSC) are two other schools with similar policies that you will find talked about here. You don't need to be enrolled in any of these schools to test out and start earning credits. Just be careful to follow the degree plan so you don't waste time and money on credits you won't be able t use.

I personally think the IC flashcards, specific exam feedback, practice exams and resources available online are enough to pass most of the CLEP and DSST exams. Now make note I said PASS the exams, that doesn't mean it will guarantee you an "A" with these limited study aids. Everyone learns differently so you will have to adjust your studying based on your style and abilities. While I did fine doing this method and scored mostly "A's", I wouldn't expect my 17 yr old to be able to do this well with the same studying methods, as he has much less work and life experience to pull from and supplement, but he would probably pass with these methods.

I think the best thing you can do is know your learning style and plan to make your first few exams in subjects you are already strong in, this will give you a feel for the exams and how to best study.

Good luck! I encourage you to read through the posts here, as they have a ton of great information.

Newbie here - pa151 - 12-27-2010

I am trying to decide on a BS in Management or BA in Liberal Arts. Ive decided that I want to become a teacher but I have 12 upper level business credits. Can my upper level credits be used for liberal arts credits at TESC?

Newbie here - vickyvicky - 12-27-2010

I ordered the cliff notes from amazon, I hope i will pass