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Adulthood and Aging ECE - rmroberts - 08-04-2010

Has anyone taken this exam since it was updated on May 10th? Are the flashcards enough for an A? Is any of the stuff in specific exam feedback still relevant? I'm a little bit more crunched for time on this test than I usually am and I won't have time to go through all THREE textbooks. I might be able to do one though. Which on is most relevant?

Adulthood and Aging ECE - hiunlife - 08-04-2010

I am also planning on taking this exam soon and I didnt even know it was being updated so thanks for the heads up! just too add to this...I am not looking for an A but I do need to pass easily enough, is IC enough for that?

Adulthood and Aging ECE - rmroberts - 08-05-2010

hiunlife Wrote:I am also planning on taking this exam soon and I didnt even know it was being updated so thanks for the heads up! just too add to this...I am not looking for an A but I do need to pass easily enough, is IC enough for that?
I think they update it every few months. I just don't know how much they change it. I noticed it was updated when I was looking around the excelsior website. Every ECE I have taken was updated around May.

Adulthood and Aging ECE - rmroberts - 08-10-2010

By God's grace I passed this today! I did not think I studied enough for this one PLUS I got a stomach virus a couple nights ago and I was soo sick until about five hours before my test!

This is what I did to study:
Went over IC flashcards (only twice)
Read chapter summaries in the required textbooks
Read about things mentioned the the free EC studyguide
Reviewed the sample questions in th EC studyguide

I honestly did not know if I was going to pass this one considering the circumstances, but I got an A! I am so thankful! I figured I got a little over 80% based on the print out they gave me. Done with ECEs and only four more tests. Yippie! Big Grin

Adulthood and Aging ECE - creative - 08-10-2010

wow, that is some story rmroberts! You deserve to congratulate yourself for getting an A on this one despite all the circumstances you went through!! God is faithful!

Adulthood and Aging ECE - spassaffe - 04-12-2012

Here is a GREAT quick study guide for some of the materials I read on my practice test 1, in addition to IC. Doesn't seem as if this is a test people take very often. 1.5 weeks and my degree is D-O-N-E!!!!! Magna cum laude!!!! Wh0000t!!!! *knocks on wood...knocks on head* That is, IF I PASS!