Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Recent Progress - notaseal - 05-03-2010

Hey everyone! Sorry I went MIA for a while.. Got a bit busy in my logistic world.

I took the following results after 6 months deployment

A&I- Passed 52/50
Intro to Computing- 440
English Comp- Passed (dont remember exact score.. I think 54)
Freshman Comp- 56 (didnt expect to pass english)
College algebra- 48 FAIL.
Prin. Of Managment- Pending Results Taken April 26th.

Online classes
Astronomy- 90%
Macroeconomics- currently 88% Hoping to get an A, but will probably screw the final up and end up with an 86%. ( 2 weeks left)

Was an eventful 6 months for me Big Grin. Want to thank everyone on IC for their help/ support!

Judging from my past track record I think I did fairly well this deployment Smile

Recent Progress - NAP - 05-03-2010

Congratulations! I am happy to see that you have had so much recent success! Keep it going and welcome back!