Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
What is your opinion on Straighterline - Printable Version

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What is your opinion on Straighterline - KPGREEN - 10-29-2015

Did you buy all the books for SL classes? I am about to start classes and need books.

What is your opinion on Straighterline - Devanna - 10-29-2015

KPGREEN Wrote:Did you buy all the books for SL classes? I am about to start classes and need books.

You can get the physical books pretty cheaply on Amazon or Ebay. SL also offers ebooks which make open-book finals easier.

What is your opinion on Straighterline - gingerbeefE - 10-29-2015

KPGREEN Wrote:Did you buy all the books for SL classes? I am about to start classes and need books.

I bought nothing XD.

What is your opinion on Straighterline - jmeitrem - 10-31-2015

I started my SL subscription less than 3 weeks ago and am already done with 6 classes. Thank you [B]gingerbeefE [/B]for your help and advice! I had been putting these courses off until last because I wasn't sure what to expect. I only needed to take 3 courses but I liked it so much I took 3 more. I probably won't need the last 3 but I wanted to take advantage of my time left. Plus you can't do much better than 6 classes for $300 (thanks to the ASH100 promo code). I highly recommend Straighterline!

What is your opinion on Straighterline - Mamasaphire - 11-01-2015

jmeitrem Wrote:I only needed to take 3 courses but I liked it so much I took 3 more. I probably won't need the last 3 but I wanted to take advantage of my time left. Plus you can't do much better than 6 classes for $300 (thanks to the ASH100 promo code). I highly recommend Straighterline!

I was the same way, taking classes because I found them to be fun. Although, since I bought my first several books from SL, it ended up averaging close to $120/course. I am working on the SL Bus Comm right now, and am not doing as well as I would like (and since it's not as interesting to me I am struggling to complete the course). I have been very tempted to spice things up a bit with a subject I think I'd like, such as Intro Philosophy, even though I have been emphatically told that I do not need any more LL credits. :coolgleam:

What is your opinion on Straighterline - DBRENNAN118 - 11-04-2015

that's my question for jmeitrem. why did you finish so many credits??!! totally impressed, but just curious why?

What is your opinion on Straighterline - jmeitrem - 11-04-2015

DBRENNAN118 Wrote:that's my question for jmeitrem. why did you finish so many credits??!! totally impressed, but just curious why?

I had a lot of free time in the Air Force due to the nature of my job. After taking a few tests cold I found this site and took off from there. It gave me something to do at work and it was a fun challenge