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Civil War - cederic824 - 06-26-2006

Cold_navy Wrote:What was considard to be the bloodest battle of the Civil War?

Watch this one!

The Bloodiest Battle was Gettysburg. (>50000 loses)
The Bloodiest SINGLE DAY Battle was Antietam. (23000 loses)

As you read through most textbooks it will say that Shiloh was the Bloodiest, and it was up to that point, but there were eight (?) more worse after that.

Civil War - snazzlefrag - 06-26-2006

Battle of Cold Harbor, VA between June 1-3, 1864.

15,500 men died. 7,000 died in the first hour...most of those within the first 8 minutes.

General Lee and General Grant stared each other down for the next three days (paralyzed in shock?). Then they called a truce to bury their dead!

God! Studying for this subject is so sad! It breaks my heart! Sad

Civil War - snazzlefrag - 06-26-2006

cederic824 Wrote:Watch this one!

The Bloodiest Battle was Gettysburg. (>50000 loses)
The Bloodiest SINGLE DAY Battle was Antietam. (23000 loses)

As you read through most textbooks it will say that Shiloh was the Bloodiest, and it was up to that point, but there were eight (?) more worse after that.

Thank you Cederic!

This kind of advice is priceless.

Civil War - Cold_navy - 06-27-2006

cederic824 Wrote:Watch this one!

The Bloodiest Battle was Gettysburg. (>50000 loses)
The Bloodiest SINGLE DAY Battle was Antietam. (23000 loses)

As you read through most textbooks it will say that Shiloh was the Bloodiest, and it was up to that point, but there were eight (?) more worse after that.

This question was on my test! I'm sure I got it right, but I answered it the way the question was asked. I didn't try to read into like I could have.

I chose Gettysburg because from start to finish, it was the Bloodiest Battle.

I remember that this was one of the first questions I had on my test, and it reminded me to READ the entire question and answers before making my choice.

Snazz, if you do that and remind yourself not to read too much into the questions, you'll kill this test.

Let us know how you did!

Civil War - snazzlefrag - 06-27-2006

Cold_navy Wrote:This question was on my test! I'm sure I got it right, but I answered it the way the question was asked. I didn't try to read into like I could have.

I chose Gettysburg because from start to finish, it was the Bloodiest Battle.

I remember that this was one of the first questions I had on my test, and it reminded me to READ the entire question and answers before making my choice.

Snazz, if you do that and remind yourself not to read too much into the questions, you'll kill this test.

Let us know how you did!

Thanks Scott,

I'm heading out for my exam now. I'll be back later for debriefing!

After taking the Finance and Accounting exams, I am not too worried about this one.Wink

I'll do my best,

Civil War - snazzlefrag - 06-27-2006

Hi All,

Okay! I just took the DANTES Civil War exam.

To me, this exam seemed a little easier than Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union. There didn't seem to be as much 'depth' to the questions as there was on the Soviet Union exam.

There were 112 questions.

The DSST Factsheet says that this exam is, "100% Knowledge of Basic Facts and Terms", and this held true in my experience today. The more "facts and terms" you know going into this exam, the more questions you will be able to answer. It's as simple as that!

I think Instantcert is EXCELLENT preparation for this exam. Any additional study you do, using and other resources, will likely gain you some valuable extra points. But the majority of the questions are covered by Instantcert.

Things to know:
(based on MY version of the exam)

Know all the battles mentioned in the factsheet.
(There are lots of other battles you could study, but I don't recall ANY questions relating to battles not mentioned in the factsheet.)

For each battle, you'll need to know:
- Where
- When (roughly)
- Commanders
- Outcome (win/lose/draw AND strategic win/loss).
- Significance in the big scheme of things.

Know all the generals mentioned in the factsheet:
- Which general replaced which (Where, when, and why).
- Which general defeated which.
- Which general was under-aggressive.
- Which general(s) waged Total War.

Also know:
- Copperheads (where and who)
- Carpetbagger and Scalawags.
- Wirz (Andersonville POW Camp, Georgia)
- Clara Barton
- Role of Custer at Appomattox Station (he was quite YOUNG at the time)
- Total estimated casualties in the Civil War
- Know which states ratified the 14th Amendment (in what order).
- Know bloodiest single day.
- Know last confederate victory.
- Know which key rivers are in the Eastern Theater, and which are in the Western Theater.
- Know the various plans for reconstruction (Johnson, Lincoln, Congress, Radical Republicans, Peace Democrats etc.).
- Know the Rules of Presidential Succession = [President -> VP -> Speaker of the House -> Senate Pro Tem]
(It's not in Instantcert or the Factsheet, but you never know when this knowledge might come in handy! Right?) Big Grin

Pretty much everything listed in the Factsheet is covered:
(which is pretty much everything covered by Instantcert.)

And Finally:
Review everything mentioned by earlier posters in this, and other threads. Their feedback was invaluable to me.

I think I may have overstudied for this exam. But it's better to be safe than sorry!

I'll let you know when my score arrives.

Fingers Crossed,

Civil War - snazzlefrag - 07-17-2006

Hi All,

I just got my score report for Civil War & Reconstruction. I got a 64. Another 'A' in my pocket. Thank goodness.

It took 20 days for my score to arrive.

Thanks to everyone who helped me with this exam.

Civil War - ShotoJuku - 07-17-2006

snazzlefrag Wrote:Hi All,

I just got my score report for Civil War & Reconstruction. I got a 64. Another 'A' in my pocket. Thank goodness.

It took 20 days for my score to arrive.

Thanks to everyone who helped me with this exam.

[COLOR="Blue"]Great Score ! Big Grin

Long Wait! Sad [/COLOR]

Civil War - Urbannaja - 07-17-2006

snazzlefrag Wrote:Hi All,

I just got my score report for Civil War & Reconstruction. I got a 64. Another 'A' in my pocket. Thank goodness.

It took 20 days for my score to arrive.

Thanks to everyone who helped me with this exam.

Congrats! =) That's a fairly tough exam.

Civil War - snazzlefrag - 07-17-2006

Urbannaja Wrote:Congrats! =) That's a fairly tough exam.

Thanks Urbannaja,

Yes, I would definitely list it as one of the hardest half dozen or so exams. But people do seem to pass it more often than not. So it is certainly a useful exam for those requiring additional upper level credit.

Plus it is good to know the details of what went on during that very crucial period in American history.

Now, I am waiting for my Vietnam War score. That was another exam that I found to be quite difficult. But unfortunately, it is only lower level credit (although I have no clue why it isn't regarded as upper level).

I have Business Law II coming up shortly. That's yet another exam that I anticipate being a challenge.

We'll see how it goes,