Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - Printable Version

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CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - bluebooger - 04-24-2015

a+, network+ and security+ ARE tests

so it doesn't really sense to ask if you can test out

the only way to get any of then is to take the test

your school may help prepare you for the tests, but you do not take these tests at your school

you take them at a certified testing center

in the case of A+ the school probably has 15 or so computers that you build, take apart and build again while learning all the parts and what they do

that is a nice thing to have
and so is having a knowledgeable instructor who take answer your questions

but of course all you really need is one of the A+ exam books (which your school would make you buy anyway) and just study on your own

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - ajs1976 - 04-24-2015

bluebooger Wrote:your school may help prepare you for the tests, but you do not take these tests at your school

you take them at a certified testing center

Some schools do incorporate the tests into the curriculum and have onsite testing centers. One of the local private, for-profit tech schools does this. I normally caution people from going to these schools because of the tuition is normally high and they may not be RA, but I have worked with someone who went to that school and he was a very good engineer.


Whatever school you choose, search their website to see if they have independently evaluated any certifications. Here is how my local CC has evaluated some certification exams: The list is a little outdated. When I was working on my associated in CIT:Net Admin, I transferred in some exams and also used the courses to help prepare for others. COSC has this list: Credentials Evaluated - Charter Oak State College. Go to the I's and you will see CISA, CISM, CISSP, and ITIL. For the Info Sys concentration, there was a cap of 6 credits from certifications that could be applied to the concentration, the rest of my certs went to Free Electives.

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - Andrew670 - 04-24-2015

As someone in the last few classes for a Computer Science Degree, i can attest to it's usefulness. If you are not strong in math or don't plan on taking anymore above ALEKs than i would suggest you found another field. It sounds a little rude and I am sorry, but most CS degrees require at least Cal II. As many have said Information Technology Degrees have a more hands on focus and will not pay as well unless you have high level certs. CISSP is pretty much the end all be all, since it is so comprehensive but it requires several years of related high level experience, and trust me the test will require it. Cyber Security is what i plan on getting my masters in and it is by no means a useless degree (as some have compared it to Homeland Security.) Most Cyber Security degree plans require you to have high knowledge in network security, threat mitigation and threat analysis. These degrees also require you to know some basic programming, which all have the same pre reqs generally as well. I would take a look at University of Maryland University College, they have a great Computer Science program and one of the more renowned Cyber Security programs for these types of schools.

Hope this helps!

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - clep3705 - 04-24-2015

Testing out of a cybersecurity degree, hmmm, interesting problem. It seems like if you have the requisite knowledge, you should be able to hack into a university computer and grant yourself said degree.

Note to the NSA, FBI, and other government agencies: this is what is known as a joke.

Seriously though, a computer science degree is not only difficult, it is also what I call a sequential degree. You must take course A before you can take course B which is required before you take course C, etc. It can't be rushed like a TESC history degree. As Andrew670 mentioned, programming knowledge is required for a computer science degree.

When you are trying to protect a large corporation from attacks by a nation state or by Anonymous, the level of knowledge required is much greater. Having a computer science degree may be necessary to understand the threat.

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - JTP - 04-24-2015

2cents/personal experience

I'm currently enrolled in the Cybersecurity Major at COSC. I transferred in quite a few credits from B&M schools, that coupled with some ALEKS and Straighterline completed all of my course work other than the major requirements.

As far as certs and other credits go for the major requirements I got
2 UL Credits for Security+(CSS 435: Fundamentals of Network Security),
2LL Credits for the TEEX course (ITE 145: Fundamentals of Information Systems Security),
3UL Credits for Certified Ethical Hacker cert (CSS 437: Hacker Techniques, Tools and Incident Handling)

Now I'm just waiting to see how the CISSP credits fit into the cybersecurity major (COSC currently gives 16 UL credits for CISSP). Unfortunately COSC used to evaluate credentials on topics they covered and not classes they would align with so it lists things like .5 credits in Operations Security (COSC CISSP LINK). They've changed their process recently and my advisor is figuring out exactly how the courses will fit.

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - JTP - 04-24-2015


I guess there are two school of thought you can follow.

1. Get an entry level IT job somewhere, get real world experience and chip away at a degree and certs on the way slowly rising in the organization.

2. Get a degree and certs first then try to find a entry/midlevel position somewhere.

I can't say one or the other is better, it is all personal preference and what life circumstances allow.

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - ajs1976 - 04-24-2015


I meant to ask you this before, but keep forgetting. Has your adviser mentioned anything about the Cyber Security major having a cap on the number of credits from IT certifications that can be applided to the major?

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - JTP - 04-24-2015

Hasn't come up, but I've asked for advice on alternative forms of credit for classes and she never mentioned any risk or cap I could hit.

Side note:

I did hear that the Cybersecurity DSST does not duplicate the TEEX course at COSC, it fills 3UL credits for CSS 346: Access Controls, Authentication and PKI. Before I take the DSST I want to see if that course is also covered by CISSP so I don't spend any unnecessary money.

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - sanantone - 04-24-2015

Andrew670 Wrote:As someone in the last few classes for a Computer Science Degree, i can attest to it's usefulness. If you are not strong in math or don't plan on taking anymore above ALEKs than i would suggest you found another field. It sounds a little rude and I am sorry, but most CS degrees require at least Cal II. As many have said Information Technology Degrees have a more hands on focus and will not pay as well unless you have high level certs. CISSP is pretty much the end all be all, since it is so comprehensive but it requires several years of related high level experience, and trust me the test will require it. Cyber Security is what i plan on getting my masters in and it is by no means a useless degree (as some have compared it to Homeland Security.) Most Cyber Security degree plans require you to have high knowledge in network security, threat mitigation and threat analysis. These degrees also require you to know some basic programming, which all have the same pre reqs generally as well. I would take a look at University of Maryland University College, they have a great Computer Science program and one of the more renowned Cyber Security programs for these types of schools.

Hope this helps!

I did not say it was useless. I said it was trendy and could pigeonhole you. How come you chose to get a bachelor's in computer science instead of cyber security? I see no prerequisites for UMUC's MS program. Did I overlook something?

CS, IT, or Cyber Security can I test out or go to school for? - yb1 - 04-24-2015

Andrew670 Wrote:As someone in the last few classes for a Computer Science Degree, i can attest to it's usefulness. If you are not strong in math or don't plan on taking anymore above ALEKs than i would suggest you found another field. It sounds a little rude and I am sorry, but most CS degrees require at least Cal II. As many have said Information Technology Degrees have a more hands on focus and will not pay as well unless you have high level certs. CISSP is pretty much the end all be all, since it is so comprehensive but it requires several years of related high level experience, and trust me the test will require it. Cyber Security is what i plan on getting my masters in and it is by no means a useless degree (as some have compared it to Homeland Security.) Most Cyber Security degree plans require you to have high knowledge in network security, threat mitigation and threat analysis. These degrees also require you to know some basic programming, which all have the same pre reqs generally as well. I would take a look at University of Maryland University College, they have a great Computer Science program and one of the more renowned Cyber Security programs for these types of schools.

Hope this helps!

OK considering I am a maryland resident. It says that I am eligible for a completion scholarship as long as I finished community college. which would cut the last 2 years to under 12000, that mixed with the pel grant is a sweet deal. UMUC sounds like a good option. I am curious though. I assume you were able to transfer all those credits that are in your sig. so umuc takes straighterline and all that good stuff? I have heard mixed things about taking courses with umuc. lots of drama or good experience. what are your thoughts. Computer Science and Technologies this is the classes my school offers for computer science and information systems. I already have all the humanties, arts, english, speech, health, behavior science credits I would need. I would just need to take more of the computer classes take some placement tests. Cybersecurity this is the cyber security program that they offer.

it says "It will also help prepare students to sit for a variety of industry certifications, including the Computing Technology Industry Association's (CompTIA)A+, Network+ and Security+ certifications; Cisco's Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification, and the Security Certified Network Professional certification."

My community college will only take certain clep exams. CLEP Exams and MC Equivalencies

which really the only things i could do would be the clep college math, or cmsc 110.