Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Degree options for AA? - Printable Version

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Degree options for AA? - bricabrac - 08-18-2014

I don't post any personal information publicly (not even fiirst name) so I alwasy bring it to others attention when they do. Sorry, I'm a bit of a nut that way.

Reminder, let me know (PM) if you plan to take PSY270 and/or SOC210. For a woman PSY270 is super easy credit. Considering what she's already taken in Soc Sci credit I think she'll find SOC210 interesting as well. Also have a few links and study resources (companion websites,etc) for CIS107, COM210, and ENG201.

Degree options for AA? - quickdegree - 09-01-2014

bricabrac Wrote:Go back in and edit your post. Remove your personal information.

They did not award credit for First Aid, Weight Training or Nutrition which is why it landed in the "other courses" area.

Good news, whatever system your credtis were under obviously worked to your benefit.

This is what you need:

Sections A - You need 1.68CR credits
Take the free TEEX course (CIS299) 2CR

Section C - Need ethical leadership
DSST Ethics in America or SL Business Ethics

Note: I recommend DSST exam. Not sure if the TECEP would work here. You could easily ask advising, but it's a new test and you would be starting from scratch. The DSST exam has flashcards. SL is supereasy by using the eBook and skimming the text and using search.

Section D - General Education - You need 12.03 CR
Take 4 TECEPs for residency. Choose from:

Note: 0.03CR filled from overage 0.32 in Section A (TEEX Course).


I cannot find TEEX course CIS 299 anywhere. Has it been discontinued?

Degree options for AA? - bricabrac - 09-01-2014

quickdegree Wrote:I cannot find TEEX course CIS 299 anywhere. Has it been discontinued?

TEEX Cybersecurity

CYB101 - Cybersecurity for Everyone - Non-Technical (CIS-299)
AWR-175-W Information Security for Everyone
AWR-174-W Cyber Ethics
AWR-168-W Cyber Law and White Collar Crime