Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
CLEP: Intro to computing - Printable Version

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CLEP: Intro to computing - rickyjo - 12-31-2009

i understand they are just notes Smile but it helps me decide what to study in greater depth as well because i do not intend to get any memberships.

CLEP: Intro to computing - NAP - 12-31-2009

Thank you for the notes, Operalady! I am currently deciding whether to take the CLEP, DSST, or both. Are these notes for one of them or both of them? Thanks again.

CLEP: Intro to computing - operalady - 12-31-2009

There are tons of overlap on these two exams. I made a big word doc for both. Pm me with your email and I'll send it.

CLEP: Intro to computing - Lindagerr - 12-31-2009

I have learned everything I know about computers from my husband who builds them from scratch and fixes them for friends. I used some old networking books I got at the library and passed the info systems CLEP with no problem. If you know the common buzzwords and a little about networking you should be fine with this. I could not tell you anything about programming except basic is the easiest.

CLEP: Intro to computing - Shawn A - 01-01-2010

Lindagerr Wrote:I have learned everything I know about computers from my husband who builds them from scratch and fixes them for friends. I used some old networking books I got at the library and passed the info systems CLEP with no problem. If you know the common buzzwords and a little about networking you should be fine with this. I could not tell you anything about programming except basic is the easiest.

FWIW - my 15 year old walked in and took the test cold after taking one Peterson's Practice Test and passed.


CLEP: Intro to computing - jackzack87 - 01-02-2010

rickyjo Wrote:i understand they are just notes Smile but it helps me decide what to study in greater depth as well because i do not intend to get any memberships.

I took the CLEP version over the summer. Not bad at all, I would recommend knowing the buzzwords and techy stuff such as ANSI, COBOL, etc. Alot of this exam was common sense computer stuff (resolution, bytes, etc). IC helped too.

CLEP: Intro to computing - daniellevine - 01-02-2010

This one requires study based on the level you know about computers.

Technical Writing requires no study provided you use common sense.

CLEP: Intro to computing - P00057870 - 01-02-2010

Why not just take the Peterson's practice tests and find out what you don't know and google those areas, after making notes.

CLEP: Intro to computing - rickyjo - 01-02-2010

Are Petersons practice tests free or very close to it? And if so where do I find them Smile

CLEP: Intro to computing - categ - 01-02-2010

Here is the link for the free Peterson's exams. Just scroll down and click on the "Testing and Education" link.