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RE: Cue the Confetti - DolceDolce - 08-11-2023

(07-31-2023, 07:34 PM)Mcroberson Wrote: Today marks 4 weeks since the summer II session started and I submitted my last final today. Its very surreal but quite the relief. I really appreciate this forum and the usual suspects that are always here for advice and guidance (You know Who you are). 

I'll give a little bit of info about my journey. I'm a 39 year old plant manager, married with 2 children. I took one semester of college after HS but life just got too busy. I never even considered going back to school until recently. My wife is an RN that got her BSN from WGU. I originally applied last December to WGU and was told to go to WGU academy because it had been so long since I was in school. Shortly after that I found this site and Sophia. I started Sophia with the intention of apply at WGU again until I found out about UMPI. I took much longer with Sophia than necessary but had several things going on early this year and it really wasn't a priority to speed through it.

I transferred in 83 credits to UMPI. I English class was from community college so I needed to complete 13 courses at UMPI. I fully intended to need 2 sessions but once I started I couldn't stop. These are the courses that I took in no particular order.

Art108- Intro to Graphic Design
BUS 260 - Leadership
BUS 321- Human Resource Management
BUS 330 - Marketing Management
BUS 343- Project Risk & Cost Management
BUS 415- Operations Management
ENG 121- College Comp II
POS 370- Arab- Israeli Conflicts
POS 301- European Gov & EU
POS 332- Constitutional Law
POS- 335 Modern Political Thought
POS- 343 Marxism
POS- 439 The Vietnam Wars

This was for BLS- Management but as you can tell, once I took one of Zaborneys classes I was hooked on his class format and prompt grading so I added a Political Science minor to my degree. 

So here's the deal for anyone who stumbles across this post. I'll admit that I was very intimidated going into this, I was a horrible student in high school. Don't second guess yourself, just do it. Get started and just keep going. If it feels daunting at first just chip away at it and you'll surprise yourself. Like I said, I was aiming for 2 sessions but completed 13 courses in 4 weeks. Now, I probably barely escaped divorce by a week or so for lack of engagement with my family, I just mowed my lawn yesterday for the first time in weeks, and I worked on school every waking moment that I wasn't at work. Working every waking moment probably wouldn't have been necessary but, I'm also in the Civil Air Patrol in which I have weekly obligations to as well as I had to travel two weekends during this period for, and I've been battling a kidney stone for 2 weeks in which I'm having surgery for tomorrow. 

Anyway, Thanks again to everyone on this board for the advice and encouragement. I know I wouldn't been here today with out all of you!

Congrats on surviving all those classes in that short of time, and on your marriage.  lol
You've also set the bar high for your kids.
How do we find out what classes Zaborney teaches?

RE: Cue the Confetti - jg_nuy - 08-11-2023

Kudos and congratulations! Very heartening to see and amazing that you finished all that work in 1 go!

I wish UMPI YourPace were open to students younger than 20 (my son would love it), but I am ever so glad it is available to complete degrees.