Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
Enviro Classes TESU Doesn’t Offer - Printable Version

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RE: Enviro Classes TESU Doesn’t Offer - ROYISAGIRL - 10-20-2019

(10-18-2019, 01:02 PM)TwinMom Wrote:
(10-18-2019, 10:19 AM)ROYISAGIRL Wrote:
(10-17-2019, 09:58 PM)TwinMom Wrote:
(10-17-2019, 12:51 AM)ROYISAGIRL Wrote: Which claases are you trying to find I'm 3 courses away from finishing the Environmental Study's degree

Would you mind giving us a degree plan for your ESdegree?
Sure if you put what classes you already have I  can work one out or do you want to see what I did?

I would love to see what you've done!  Thanks!
I couldn't post my TESU Evaluation so I'm gonna type it out. I'm not going to type out the electives because they are credits taken from my JST.

Notes: CC= Community college, SDC=, ODC= JST=military transcript.

A: Intellect Skills 15 SH
ENC 101 and 102= CC
SOS 110= info literacy= SDC (before the change)

B: Civic Learning 9 SH
Principles of Ethics- free ethics course

Civic Engagement- American government-SDC

Human Culture 12 SH
Intro to Criminal Justice- SDC
Intro to Psychology-SDC
Presentational Speaking- SDC
Ancient Greek Philosophy - SDC

Natural World 4 SH
Bio II w/ lab- NMJC

General Electives 20 SH

Introductory Biology- Sophia
Bio Organisms and Ecosystems- ODC
Computer Concepts and Applications- JST
Human Biology- CC
Intro Prior Learning- TESU
Cornerstone Lifelong Learning- TESU
Intro. to Library Resources- SDC
Quantitative Skills Business-CSM Learn

Bio I w/ Lab- NMJC
Environmental Science- SDC
Earth's Science- Geology-SDC

Geology(human)- Global Issues and Society- TESU (Excelsior's course of a similar name fits here also).

Chemistry I w/lab- NMJC

This was the hardest area

Area Courses 9 SH

Environmental Sustain and Social Justice- TESU (6cr)

Global Environmental change (6cr)

AOS Electives 12 SH

Group 1: complete due to over credits above

Group 2: Environmental climate-ODC
Environmental Ethics- TECP or Saylor

Capstone- TESU

Electives 21 SH

All from JST