RE: NEED HELP ALMOST DONE!! - omarvelous08 - 09-05-2018
(09-05-2018, 01:38 PM)dfrecore Wrote: Your spreadsheet is crazy confusing, but I'll give it my best shot.
1) Are the Course numbers in column A what TESU is calling it, or what you are calling it (or your previous school?)
2) Since you didn't list the school names, we can't tell if any are CC credit. Which makes a difference in how they come in, and if you hit the max, etc.
3) You didn't spell out all the course names, so some are impossible to figure out.
4) What is Math for ADM? You should probably put Intro to Quantitative Methods in that area instead.
5) Did TESU put Business Spanish into Diversity? I've never heard of a foreign language going there, I don't think that will work.
7) Principles of Marketing & Marketing Management may duplicate, you will need to check when you apply and get an eval
8) Principles of Management & Management Theory may duplicate, you will need to check when you apply and get an eval
9) You need to make sure you have 4 UL courses in the AOS
Prin of Finance - available through, (FIN 104: Financial Management or FIN 101: Principles of Finance), Davar
Int'l Business - available through (BUS 120: International Business), Davar
You are very close to finishing, I wouldn't switch to the BALS, that would be a bad idea now. With the 4 courses you need in Gen ed and the Capstone, which you'd still need in the BALS, you only need 3 business courses. Switching to the BALS would leave you with more courses, even if the capstone was easier (not sure if it is or not).
At this point, I would apply to TESU, and get the eval done. There's no point in us guessing if things will work out. In the meantime, do your Gen Eds, transfer them to TESU, and wait to see how everything goes in. If you know you don't have enough UL AOS courses, take one of those (whichever you want).
ok thanks for the response, all the credits you seee there come from the academic evaluation tesu did on my credits
RE: NEED HELP ALMOST DONE!! - bjcheung77 - 09-05-2018
I got your Private Message, I just saw this thread and noticed a majority of your questions have been answered. Just apply to TESU, send them your ACE and other transcripts to get an evaluation. While waiting, work on the remaining credits and you should be done with the degree very soon.
RE: NEED HELP ALMOST DONE!! - omarvelous08 - 09-05-2018
(09-05-2018, 03:04 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: I got your Private Message, I just saw this thread and noticed a majority of your questions have been answered. Just apply to TESU, send them your ACE and other transcripts to get an evaluation. While waiting, work on the remaining credits and you should be done with the degree very soon.
thanks maybe i might be done with the English classes the written and the comm class by mid October or November, then the other classes that are on and get the discount or something like that, ill probably write or ask you if its not a problem.
RE: NEED HELP ALMOST DONE!! - allvia - 09-05-2018
(09-05-2018, 01:30 PM)omarvelous08 Wrote: (09-05-2018, 01:15 PM)allvia Wrote: I do not think your 'MATH FOR ADM' is going to work for the "College Algebra or Quantitative Business Analysis within Intellectual and Practical Skills section of General Education requirements" - so you're still going to need College Algebra (I recommend ALEKS). However that moves the 'MATH FOR ADM' down to your Gen Eds possibly removing your need for the 2 credit TEEX course.
Everything that you're missing can be done through - I would recommenced you take a few courses with them for the residency waiver discount alone. I also believe people here have mentioned a very simple course (with no speeches) that meets the Oral Communication (aka public speaking) requirement. They also have the Principles of Finance and the Business Law that you're missing.
Also I think you're trying to use the 'Business English' to fill the 'Business/Managerial Communications' requirement - being that it is a college course, its possible but only TESU can evaluate if it counts as communication and not a English gen ed. ( has a course for this as well if you still need it)
You're working towards the BSBS-GM correct? Have you applied and had these credits evaluated officially with TESU yet? If not I would recommend that you do so sooner than later so you can make sure some of those courses come in as you have listed them.
Edit: also has the English Comp I & II in case you're not comfortable with taking the CLEP (It appears from your college credits that English is not your first language)
yes english is not my first language, and all the courses that are in the spreadsheet i did are from the academic evaluation they did, do you thinki stay in the bsba gm program or change?
im just waiting to see if the ba is the best way to go as i already seen the sourse for the fin 301, business law i do have in there, but i would need another class business society part i think
i have the both english courses on sl but the writing its taking forever because of the language and trying to find the way to express in english what they want on the esseays and narratives
Ah, I missed the Business Law - as dfrecore Wrote: Your spreadsheet is crazy confusing
However what was clear is that you are very close to finishing up the BSBA-GM. I would stick with it. Also from personal experience the BSBA Capstone (I took the Online Course version) was structured well, and as long as you keep a close eye on the calendar it moves along. I'm pretty sure the majority of us here don't look forward to it, but we've all come a long way and we get through it (one assignment at a time)