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AA from the big 3... am I close? - Printable Version

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AA from the big 3... am I close? - lillingworth - 02-23-2015

And one more thing I forgot to add to the above... I tried that link to get an exact deadline for graduation and that link didn't work for me either. My school isn't very forthcoming with information, I think.

AA from the big 3... am I close? - NAP - 02-23-2015

Someone at your college should be able to give you a clear picture of your status on this. That should be true for the Big 3, too.

I have not stayed current on the TESC degrees. I think you need English II. Here is a great list of examples for the new gen ed requirements by Sanantone for you to compare your current classes: Sanantone's General Education Options - Degree Forum Wiki

When you get an idea of what you still need to finish at TESC, I'm sure members here can give you more advice about the quickest options.

AA from the big 3... am I close? - lillingworth - 02-24-2015

Would my 4 hour english class plus my COM161 class cover English 1&2? COM161 was speech writing... 5 or 6 papers over the semester... very similar to my english class.

As for my current college, I've called and emailed everyone I possibly can right now... just waiting on answers. But I'm really not gonna count on that being a good source for a degree right now.

AA from the big 3... am I close? - lillingworth - 02-24-2015

Okay... I'm not sure how accurate this is... so bear with me. I really have no idea what I'm doing. Also, forgive any typos, I'm on a Japanese keyboard tonight.

I *think* I:m getting closer to figuring this out. HereConfused my first guess:


I. General Education
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills
English comp 1&2 = ENG105 (4) and *possibly* COM161 (3)
College Level Math = MAT117(3), or MAT130(5) or MAT230(5) ***Not sure about these
Electives in Intellectual and Practical Skills IDT107(4) PHY 130 and 131 (4)
B. Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
Humanities = CHN101(3)
Social Sciences = PSY180 (3)
Natural Sciences = GSC199 (4)
Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, or Interdiciplinary Electives = ECO230 (3), CSC199 (3), CHE101 (4)
C. Personal and Social Responsibility
Diversity/Global Literacy = ART121 (3)
Responsible Ethical Leadership = HIS221(3) ****REALLY not sure about this one
Ethics or Diversity Elective = RGS200 (3)
II Gen Ed Electives
CET284 (3)
Maybe other math classes? (8-10 credits?)
IDC199 (1)
RES132 (3)
THD104 (3)
JPN350 (3) - maybe this belongs in culture??

And from the previous page... this is the list of my classes

3 COM161 Intro to Public Speaking
4 ENG105 Reading, Writing, Inquiry
3 MATH117 Math Concepts
3 THD104 Theatrical Experience
3 PSY180 General Psychology
1 IDC199 Health
4 CHE101 Consumer Chemistry
3 CSC199 Intro to Information Technology
3 JPN350 Japanese Literature in Translation
3 RES132 Real Estate Principles
3 RGS200 Intro to Religious Studies
3 ART121 Art Appreciation
3 CHN101 Chinese
4 GSC199 Earth Science
3 HIS221 American Experience to 1865
5 MAT130 Technical Math 1
4 ITD107 Intro to Tech Drawing
3 CET284 Sustainable Design
3 ECO230 Macroeconomics
5 MAT230 Technical Math 2
3 PHY130 General Physics
1 PHY131 General Physics Lab
1 OR Orientation

Please let me know if you think these will or won't transfer or if I:ve got them in the wrong places.

Also, something I:m really confused about.... If I have extra credits in one category, do they carry over into another? For example, under B: Human Cultures etc... if I:m correct about what transfers, I:ll have 10 credits in that category, but it only requires 9. Does that 1 credit get counted somewhere else? Sorry if thatConfused a silly question.

Thanks again for all the help!

AA from the big 3... am I close? - cookderosa - 02-24-2015

I'm still curious if you're bilingual. Do you speak and or read Japanese?

AA from the big 3... am I close? - lillingworth - 02-24-2015

cookderosa Wrote:I'm still curious if you're bilingual. Do you speak and or read Japanese?

Oh! So sorry! I meant to respond before. No, I'm not bilingual. Sad I plan to do a full two years of language school here and I'm hoping I can use that to get a BA at my original university

AA from the big 3... am I close? - KayV - 02-24-2015

You have most of the classes you need for an AA or AS from Excelsior. Here's what that would look like:
I. General Education Requirements
1. Written English Requirement: 4 ENG105 Reading, Writing, Inquiry
2. Arts and Sciences Elective: 3 JPN350 Japanese Literature in Translation
3. Arts and Sciences Elective: 3 RGS200 Intro to Religious Studies
4. Humanities: 3 COM161 Intro to Public Speaking
5. Humanities: 3 THD104 Theatrical Experience
6. Social Science/ History: 3 PSY180 General Psychology
7. Social Science/ History: 3 HIS221 American Experience to 1865
8. Science: 3 PHY130 General Physics
9. Math: 3 MATH117 Math Concepts
10. Need 3 Associate Degree Capstone

II. Other Requirements (you have 13 excess credits)
11. Information Literacy: 3 CSC199 Intro to Information Technology
12. 4 CHE101 Consumer Chemistry
13. 1 IDC199 Health
14. 3 RES132 Real Estate Principles
15. 3 ART121 Art Appreciation
16. 3 CHN101 Chinese
17. 4 GSC199 Earth Science
18. 5 MAT130 Technical Math 1
19. 4 ITD107 Intro to Tech Drawing
20. 3 CET284 Sustainable Design
21. 3 ECO230 Macroeconomics
22. 5 MAT230 Technical Math 2
23. 1 PHY131 General Physics Lab
24. 1 OR Orientation

You have the hours you would need in Arts and Sciences for an AA instead of an AS, but pick whichever one you would like. If you are interested in Excelsior, many people here join the Peace Officers Association of Georgia (POAG) for their partnership discounts. POAG is easy to join and benefits a good cause.
Excelsior College | Peace Officers Association of Georgia

AA from the big 3... am I close? - NAP - 02-24-2015

Thank you KayV; I was hoping that you would look at this thread!

The OP is on a very short deadline and trying to determine which of the Big 3 would be the fastest route. Would you mind looking to see if the AA at TESC would save any time?

AA from the big 3... am I close? - KayV - 02-24-2015

Here's an AA in General Studies from TESC:

TESC AA General Studies

I. General Education Requirements
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills
1. 4 ENG105 Reading, Writing, Inquiry
2. Need 3 TECEP ENC-102 English Composition II
3. 3 MATH117 Math Concepts
4. 5 MAT130 Technical Math 1
B. Human Cultures and the Physical World
5. 3 COM161 Intro to Public Speaking
6. 3 PSY180 General Psychology
7. 4 CHE101 Consumer Chemistry
8. 5 MAT230 Technical Math 2
9. 3 THD104 Theatrical Experience
C. Personal and Social Responsibility
10. Need Ethics course (TECEP Environmental Ethics has a difficult reputation; maybe DSST or Straighterline Business Ethics instead?)
11. 3 JPN350 Japanese Literature in Translation
12. Need TECEP Marriage and the Family or Psychology of Women
II. General Education Electives (one or two will move over to excess credits when you take TECEPs)
13. 3 RGS200 Intro to Religious Studies
14. 3 ART121 Art Appreciation
15. 3 CHN101 Chinese
16. 3 PHY130 General Physics
17. 3 HIS221 American Experience to 1865
18. 3 ECO230 Macroeconomics
Excess credits
1 IDC199 Health
3 CSC199 Intro to Information Technology
3 RES132 Real Estate Principles
4 GSC199 Earth Science
4 ITD107 Intro to Tech Drawing
3 CET284 Sustainable Design
1 PHY131 General Physics Lab
1 OR Orientation

AA from the big 3... am I close? - NAP - 02-24-2015

Excellent KayV! Thank you so much!

Lillingworth, this should give you a better idea for your timeline issue. I think TESC graduation deadline is fairly strict. Bricabrac has posted about how it works, so you can search that better. Since you don't need 4 TECEPs which would meet the residency requirement of the lower enrollment fee rate, I think this would cost about $3000, also.

Keep us updated on your plans and progress.