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a little WGU MBA review.... - BIPolarGuy - 12-08-2013

I feel for you! I absolutely hate those difficult conversations. However, I try to remember that I am not firing them; They fired themselves.

Now that i have my BSBA, I am trying to decide which way to go for the MBA. its between WGU and UNT at the moment. UNT is pretty inexpensive for residents and is AASCB accred. I just really like the format of WGU. Thank you for all the updates and posts about your journey at WGU. It has certainly helped me a lot.


a little WGU MBA review.... - billydoc - 12-08-2013

Hey BIPolarGuy,

We've recently moved here from NY/NJ area. I'm in Plano now b/c my kidos need excellent school district. PISD is it. I also looked at some local programs here in TX including A&M TX. There several campuses, but very few offer entirely online MBA. UNT appears to be on-campus w/ some courses available online. All of those also require GMAT, which at this point in my life will be more of an obstacle than any kind of meaningful predictor. I'm the same age as rebel, with background in healthcare industry for over 20 years. So WGU, which I'm starting in February and at the way it's priced was a no-brainer to me. If you do decide on WGU hope we'll be great classmates.

a little WGU MBA review.... - billydoc - 12-08-2013

rebel100 Wrote:I would say read the rubric's, they tell you what they want discussed for each task.

Join the Facebook page for every class, read through them paying attention to solutions to common problems...this is all well trod ground.

Watch the video's that most classes have on the MBA Community pages....this is the Course Mentor explaining the task prompt in detail, most are excellent.

Don't pay too much attention to the difficulties of other students. It's easy to throw up your own mental road blocks when we see others expressing trouble. I have found that the courses others found the most difficult weren't really all that hard once I got started. I have also found that the ability of my fellow students ranges from excellent to very poor...some are given to this sort of education and some are not...where others are in the program and in life is no way to gauge your own performance.

Use your resources, send an email to the course or student mentor if you don't understand something. They are being paid based on your success, use that resource.

If your in doubt about a task just submit what you have. You can't really fail any task, the grader will simply send it back with notes to guide your revision....a few times I have sent in what I thought was unfinished work only to receive glowing comments and a pass on the task...there is no penalty for doing this, so do it when you need to.

I'm really enjoying the newer "cohort" model some classes are now offering. This makes WGU more like a traditional school. You actually get lectures, interaction, and guidance specific to the tasks...good stuff take advantage when you can.

Thank You rebel100 again. Great info. Keep it cominig Smile. I know you're almost done. Good Luck to you on finishing program soon!

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 12-10-2013

Strategic Task 2 was returned last night for minor revisions. I completed them at lunch and resubmitted.

Only one task left for Strategic and then the Capstone (already in progress) and I will be an MBA. Smile

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 12-10-2013

Well that was quick, I submitted the Task 2 Strategic revision a little before 2PM today, by 6 it was returned with a pass.

One Task left in this course then three in the Capstone...I am four papers away from completing this MBA thing! Smile

Strategic Task 3 is so LOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG, but I'm about halfway through. There are like 30 separate prompts to answer, it is sort of fun though. The task requires a good bit of reflection on either your business or one your very familiar with. Plenty of deciding strategic advantages and how to one up your competition...pretty much exactly why one takes on an MBA in the first place I think.

a little WGU MBA review.... - billydoc - 12-11-2013

rebel100 Wrote:Well that was quick, I submitted the Task 2 Strategic revision a little before 2PM today, by 6 it was returned with a pass.

One Task left in this course then three in the Capstone...I am four papers away from completing this MBA thing! Smile

Strategic Task 3 is so LOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG, but I'm about halfway through. There are like 30 separate prompts to answer, it is sort of fun though. The task requires a good bit of reflection on either your business or one your very familiar with. Plenty of deciding strategic advantages and how to one up your competition...pretty much exactly why one takes on an MBA in the first place I think.

Nice! Good for ya rebel! BTW are you still going to be rebelin' w/ MBA after your name (J/K) Smile

Do you feel that you've got a lot more knowledge base and the general sense of MBA "worth it". I don't mean the letters behind your name, but the actual concept of being one and what it stands for. Please forgive me if i'm not expressing my thoughts clearly. It sure is one big mush in my head, at least for now. I'm starting WGU MBA next February, God willing. The are many naysayers, particularly on fora like this one who are saying that distance learning degree, even though legit won't be taken seriously in "real world". I think it's bunch of BS and academic worth of this degree will get you only so far. I'm like you, agewise and also in the industry I'm in for over 20 years. But when I hear all this talk ( University-based vs online only).... just far as the "stuff" you need to know to be a good MBA? Do they compare well. Do you feel like you've got the things you were looking for knowledge-wise? Sorry to bombard you with all this sstupid questions. But I'd rather ask someone who has actually done it, than someone who thinks they know it.

Thank You rebel again.

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 12-16-2013

Strategic Task 3 (the last task in this course) is completed and submitted! 30 pages, double spaced...uggh, tjis was a long one.

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 12-16-2013

billydoc Wrote:Nice! Good for ya rebel! BTW are you still going to be rebelin' w/ MBA after your name (J/K) Smile

Do you feel that you've got a lot more knowledge base and the general sense of MBA "worth it". I don't mean the letters behind your name, but the actual concept of being one and what it stands for. Please forgive me if i'm not expressing my thoughts clearly. It sure is one big mush in my head, at least for now. I'm starting WGU MBA next February, God willing. The are many naysayers, particularly on fora like this one who are saying that distance learning degree, even though legit won't be taken seriously in "real world". I think it's bunch of BS and academic worth of this degree will get you only so far. I'm like you, agewise and also in the industry I'm in for over 20 years. But when I hear all this talk ( University-based vs online only).... just far as the "stuff" you need to know to be a good MBA? Do they compare well. Do you feel like you've got the things you were looking for knowledge-wise? Sorry to bombard you with all this sstupid questions. But I'd rather ask someone who has actually done it, than someone who thinks they know it.

Thank You rebel again.
I feel very confident that the WGU MBA has made me a better manager able to view the bigger picture in ways I didn't fully understand before. I even find myself speaking differently on some issues than I ever have in the past. The things I learned in Financial Analyses and Decision Analyses alone where worth the price of admission...excellent information in those, take your time and really absorb those two.

....yes, I'm quite pleased with my "MBA" knowledge at this point.

a little WGU MBA review.... - rebel100 - 12-16-2013

My interview for the new position is this coming Friday (I get to go last Smile) Meeting separately with the Facilities Administrator then a panel interview with other Department Managers/Directors, Should be fun!

a little WGU MBA review.... - billydoc - 12-16-2013

rebel100 Wrote:I feel very confident that the WGU MBA has made me a better manager able to view the bigger picture in ways I didn't fully understand before. I even find myself speaking differently on some issues than I ever have in the past. The things I learned in Financial Analyses and Decision Analyses alone where worth the price of admission...excellent information in those, take your time and really absorb those two.

....yes, I'm quite pleased with my "MBA" knowledge at this point.

Thank You rebel. great info as always. Good luck to you on this interview. I have a feeling you'll crush your competition :hurray: Please don't leave this thread. I know it serves as great source of info for most, and as an inspiration to embark on this WGU MBA journey for me personally. Smile