Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
How are the Proctored Exam goes? - Printable Version

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How are the Proctored Exam goes? - docmarvin - 02-26-2017

I've taken CLEP and DSST exams on a militart base testing center. I know how it feels like and the actual process when someone is monitoring you while you are taking your test. How is it when you actually do it at home?

ProctorU or RPNow? (

There's probably already a thread about this but I'm sorry if I'm a bit in a time crunch to search now.

Can someone tell me their experience from the scheduling of the test until it is done. Also, what's the difference between the two? Which is more easier to setup?


How are the Proctored Exam goes? - rlw74 - 02-26-2017

I can't speak to ProctorU but I've used's RemoteProctor and I really like it.

1. You don't have to schedule the exam ahead of time. You just click on the test when you are ready to take it -any time of day or night - and they send you a course code, help you log into the RP system and go through a checklist (taking a picture of your DL, a picture of you, a room scan etc). I find this beneficial to me because if I had to schedule ahead of time I'm certain I would have something come up and end up not being able to take the test because of distractions.

2. It's not a live proctor, they record you while you are taking the test and review it at a later time.It still feels like you are being watched because that little webcam light is on the whole time.

3. They give you really specific instructions. It's like a real exam in that you can't be talking to someone in the background/off camera. You can't have a TV or radio on. You can't get up and walk around, take breaks etc. You can't have a google search engine open. Just basic, common sense stuff.

4. If you get 100% on the quizzes (which aren't proctored and you get to take them up to 3 times) then all you need is 55% on the test. That isn't a passing grade in most any course I've taken at a traditional college so I find it to take the pressure off a little. You can always gauge if you are ready for the test ahead of time by taking the unproctored practice exam. If you don't do well on it there are flashcards and practice chapter exams too.

I have liked it. I can't speak to Straighterline though but I know some people like it because they let you use open book on some of their courses. But I think you need to schedule those exams ahead of time and its a live proctor. Probably not a whole lot different. Either way you'll be fine.

How are the Proctored Exam goes? - docmarvin - 02-26-2017

rlw74 Wrote:I can't speak to ProctorU but I've used's RemoteProctor and I really like it.

4. If you get 100% on the quizzes (which aren't proctored and you get to take them up to 3 times) then all you need is 55% on the test. That isn't a passing grade in most any course I've taken at a traditional college so I find it to take the pressure off a little. You can always gauge if you are ready for the test ahead of time by taking the unproctored practice exam. If you don't do well on it there are flashcards and practice chapter exams too.

I am taking the Personal Finance from the I just jump thru the quizzes, and some of the quiz I took, I believe I was able to take it more than 3 times. Is it only going to count the first 3 tries?

How are the Proctored Exam goes? - Synicaal - 02-27-2017

docmarvin Wrote:I am taking the Personal Finance from the I just jump thru the quizzes, and some of the quiz I took, I believe I was able to take it more than 3 times. Is it only going to count the first 3 tries?

Your best grade on the first three attempts is what's used for that quiz. So if you got an 80% on attempt 3 and a 100% on attempt 4. The 80% is what is counted. I heard added a way to see what you will need on the final once you complete all the quizzes.

How are the Proctored Exam goes? - azt579 - 02-27-2017

This is true. After you finish your quizzes, it immediately tells you how many points you've gotten for the quiz portion of the course and what you'lll need to score on the exam in order to pass the course. In addition to that, it appears that they may have changed their policy in regards to courses that require a project. It used to be that the quizzes, project, and exam were each worth 100 points, so if you got 100 on the quizzes, and say 85 on the project then you would need 25 on the exam in order to pass. NOW on my last course, everything was counted as 50 points and after I completed my quizzes I received 49 points and was told that I needed a combined score of 56% on the project and exam to pass the course. Which means that if I got at least a 56% on the project I would automatically pass the course without even taking the exam. I plan on calling them today to verify this change.

How are the Proctored Exam goes? - Synicaal - 02-27-2017

Btaylor89 Wrote:This is true. After you finish your quizzes, it immediately tells you how many points you've gotten for the quiz portion of the course and what you'lll need to score on the exam in order to pass the course. In addition to that, it appears that they may have changed their policy in regards to courses that require a project. It used to be that the quizzes, project, and exam were each worth 100 points, so if you got 100 on the quizzes, and say 85 on the project then you would need 25 on the exam in order to pass. NOW on my last course, everything was counted as 50 points and after I completed my quizzes I received 49 points and was told that I needed a combined score of 56% on the project and exam to pass the course. Which means that if I got at least a 56% on the project I would automatically pass the course without even taking the exam. I plan on calling them today to verify this change.

Yeah I would double check that because the way I see it I think they are saying the average of the project and final need to be at 56% meaning you would need a 112% on the final which isn't doable. Or 56% on the project and 56% on the final. Which course is it, I just looked at a few I took that had a project and they are still the same point system as when I took it 100,100,100.

How are the Proctored Exam goes? - azt579 - 02-27-2017

I've attached a picture of what my account shows. It's for Applied Managerial Accounting.

How are the Proctored Exam goes? - jsd - 02-27-2017

Looks like the attachment didn't work.

Or isn't working for me, at least.

How are the Proctored Exam goes? - azt579 - 02-27-2017

Lets try this again. Hopefully the attachment works this time. If not, this is exactly what my account reads: "With this quiz grade, you will need to earn at least 56% on the proctored exam and final project combined to pass this course." I'm gonna call them on my lunch break at noon to see if their grading policy has changed.

How are the Proctored Exam goes? - rlw74 - 02-27-2017

On my last course - Oral Communications it looked like this...

You need 210 points out of 300 points to pass the course. You just need those 210 points in any combination between the quizzes, project and test.

100 points possible on the quizzes - I got 100 points

100 points possible on the project - I got 88 points

100 points possible on the final - you need 210 points in the entire course so I only needed 22 points on the final. Even if I had 100 points on the project I would still have needed 10 points more to pass the test which meant needing to take the final exam no matter what.

I also took the exam before the projects were graded and their instructions were that if I didn't like the grade on the projects I could re-submit them even after taking the final.