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Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - Printable Version

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Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - sammeecat - 12-11-2015

Is there a "last minute" way to take a TECEP? Or am I understanding it correctly that I can only register to take them in the next term? As in, if I wanted to take 1 or 2 TECEPs at the end of December, that's impossible. Right?

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - SweetSecret - 12-11-2015

Sadly, it seems to be that you can only register for the next term. This has been an issue for me in the past as well. I missed one of my TECEPS because I was super sick for a week. I had to re-register (paying a 2nd time) and wait months to take it. I forgot a lot of the material in between, so I had to study pretty hard the 2nd time around. I think TESC would have more TECEP registrations if they let you take them right away. After my first TECEP I was a lot less scared of taking another TECEP, & since I was only working 10hrs a week I could have easily take 2-3 more that same term.

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - sammeecat - 12-11-2015

SweetSecret Wrote:Sadly, it seems to be that you can only register for the next term. This has been an issue for me in the past as well. I missed one of my TECEPS because I was super sick for a week. I had to re-register (paying a 2nd time) and wait months to take it. I forgot a lot of the material in between, so I had to study pretty hard the 2nd time around. I think TESC would have more TECEP registrations if they let you take them right away. After my first TECEP I was a lot less scared of taking another TECEP, & since I was only working 10hrs a week I could have easily take 2-3 more that same term.

That really stinks that you missed it and had to pay for it again. I agree that there would likely be more folks taking TECEPs if there weren't that gap between the registration and test day.

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - swalke321 - 12-11-2015

For the TECEPs you register for a particular term. Then you have a 12 week testing period. Registration for the Jan. term ends today, late registration is until Dec. 17. The actual semester begins Jan. 4 and ends Mar. 27th. If you register for the Jan term you can take the TECEP exam anytime during the semester so you could take it first week of Jan.

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - dfrecore - 12-11-2015

I agree with the whole TECEP thing, if they treated it more like an exam instead of a course, it would be much more convenient and helpful. I hate having to register in advance. If I think I can get to studying but then I can't, I'm stuck with a deadline so I have to take it whether I'm ready or not. If I want to take something because I'm ready, I can't until I register for a future term. It's all just annoying.

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - passit1 - 12-15-2015

I agree as well, but with most things I disagree with on logic - I develop a work around. Plan the TECEPs the same way you plan your classes, and you won't miss a registration. I wrote out my plan in pencil with dates for when I needed to register for everything including DSST and CLEPs. Took time on the front end but saved a lot of time and aggravation during and after the college process.

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - dfrecore - 12-15-2015

Well, unfortunately, you can't plan when you will learn math! I can sit and study for almost anything that is not math, but with the math, I learn it when I learn it. My lesson in this is that I won't do TECEP's for math. I will do them for other stuff, but once I've learned a lot of the material, not before.

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - SweetSecret - 12-15-2015

dfrecore Wrote:Well, unfortunately, you can't plan when you will learn math! I can sit and study for almost anything that is not math, but with the math, I learn it when I learn it. My lesson in this is that I won't do TECEP's for math. I will do them for other stuff, but once I've learned a lot of the material, not before.

This is a really good point too. I had a really terrible instructor for statistics at another college. No one in my class got a decent grade, and I was really bummed out because it was one of my lowest grades. I'd like to replace it, but if I register to take the statistics TECEP exam I don't really know how long it would take me to prepare.

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - davewill - 12-15-2015

Has anyone ever asked for and gotten an extension to take the exam? Students get extended on regular classes all the time. There was one student in my Discrete Math class who was making discussion posts two MONTHS after the class was over! Personally, after 12 weeks I feel I either have it, or I need more than self-study, but if someone just couldn't get started, I could see a one month extension making a difference.

Probably a stupid TECEP question, but... - SweetSecret - 12-15-2015

Yes, I asked when I got sick and was and got a very direct "No". It seemed like it had more to do with how the computer system is setup though.