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Excelsior Diploma RANT - Printable Version

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Excelsior Diploma RANT - Basket Weaver - 06-27-2007

Begin Rant:

Well my diploma finally arrived last week, and let me tell you how disappointed I was in it. A group of middle school kids could have come up with a better design. It is on beige cardstock, 8 1/2" X 11", in black ink, with a stick-on gold seal. It is gaudy and NOT something I would put on my wall. When I walked into a graduate's office in the past, I always admired seeing the big diploma, it always looked fancy and made a statement about their accomplishment; this diploma sends a whole different message.

I just got off the phone with their Records Department; I asked if there was some way to get a better one, I was told "that's it". The part that really torques me is that I paid $480.00 for "Graduation Fees", this consisted of them sending me a crappy diploma and a transcript...minus my GPA I might add. To get something official with my GPA on it, I have to write them and request they mail it to me.

I always had good experiences with them during my coursework and the people were great, however, they have really dropped the ball on the diploma. It was a lot of work to accomplish just to be given something I could make in MS PowerPoint in about 10 minutes.

I hope CCU's looks better. Lee

End Rant

Excelsior Diploma RANT - ShotoJuku - 06-27-2007

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]Welcome to the club!

I too was somewhat disappointed by what I received but after placing it in a nice sized frame with a tassel it doesn't look too bad. I had started a thread on the MyEC page that stirred up a lot of sentiment but ultimately went nowhere.

I agree that the diploma should/could look better but I fear that there really isn't going to be any changes made anytime soon.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Excelsior Diploma RANT - Katterina - 06-27-2007

Aw, I'd heard about how tacky they looked, but I had hoped it was exaggerated. Do they still look like this? (edit: link removed)

That sticker is awful! I wonder if I can find a diploma frame that comes with frosted glass? Big Grin

PS: Is Liberal Studies listed as your major on your diploma, or does it only read "Bachelor of Science?"

Excelsior Diploma RANT - chosin01 - 06-27-2007

ShotoJuku Wrote:[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]Welcome to the club!

I too was somewhat disappointed by what I received but after placing it in a nice sized frame with a tassel it doesn't look too bad. I had started a thread on the MyEC page that stirred up a lot of sentiment but ultimately went nowhere.

I agree that the diploma should/could look better but I fear that there really isn't going to be any changes made anytime soon.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

I understand your point about the appearance. However, even though I only have my associates degree .. It's not so much the appearance of the paper but the accomplishment behind it that makes me stand alittle taller. I have it on my wall in a nice frame and right next to it I have another empty frame just like it for my Bachelors Degree that I will be getting in a couple of months.
Cheers, Jeff

Excelsior Diploma RANT - Basket Weaver - 06-27-2007

Katterina Wrote:Aw, I'd heard about how tacky they looked, but I had hoped it was exaggerated. Do they still look like this?

That sticker is awful! I wonder if I can find a diploma frame that comes with frosted glass? Big Grin

PS: Is Liberal Studies listed as your major on your diploma, or does it only read "Bachelor of Science?"

Yep, that's the one, and yes, that's what it says. I am seriously contemplating scanning it and making my own. I can always keep the original in the closet; maybe the spiders will be impressed.Rolleyes

Excelsior Diploma RANT - mstcrow5429 - 06-27-2007

Katterina Wrote:Aw, I'd heard about how tacky they looked, but I had hoped it was exaggerated. Do they still look like this?

That sticker is awful! I wonder if I can find a diploma frame that comes with frosted glass? Big Grin

PS: Is Liberal Studies listed as your major on your diploma, or does it only read "Bachelor of Science?"

Looks like the diplomas I've seen from things like the UMass system...the link is dead, only got a thumb on Google Images, but I don't see anything odd about it from there. Diplomas aren't ornate works of art or anything...

Excelsior Diploma RANT - fiveninerzero - 06-27-2007

haha, I'm glad I've something pretty to look forward to in the next few months!

Excelsior Diploma RANT - Trajan - 06-27-2007

Do the diplomas still say "Member of the University of the State of New York" under Excelsior college? I thought that they were no longer a "member" of the State school system?

Excelsior Diploma RANT - ShotoJuku - 06-27-2007

Trajan Wrote:Do the diplomas still say "Member of the University of the State of New York" under Excelsior college? I thought that they were no longer a "member" of the State school system?

[SIZE="2"]SUNY is the State school system whereas USNY is the State accrediting body.[/SIZE]

Excelsior Diploma RANT - cederic824 - 06-27-2007

Quote:Do the diplomas still say "Member of the University of the State of New York" under Excelsior college?

I realize opinions on this are subjective. One persons art is another person's trash. With that said, I like mine. I think it looks professional, and it holds its own next to my brother's diploma from the local state university, hanging on the wall at our mother's house.