mhinds48's Signature |
Introductory Sociology 69
Introductory Psychology 63
US History I 61
US History II 59
American Government 53
Natural Sciences 58
Analyzing Literature 53
Intro to World Religion 67 "A"
Ethics in America 59 "A"
Civil War and Reconstruction 66 "A"
Principles of Statistics 50 "B"
Excelsior Exams
Nursing Concepts 1 "A"
Nursing Concepts 2 "A"
Nursing Concepts 3 "A"
Nursing Concepts 4 "A"
Nursing Concepts 5 "A"
Nursing Concepts 6 "A"
Nursing Concepts 7 "B"
Microbiology "A"
College Writing "A"
Developmental Psychology "A"
Abnormal Psychology "B"
Management in Nursing "C" (Sick as a dog while taking this test!)
Community Focused Nursing "C"
Online Courses
A & P I w/lab "A"
A & P II w/lab "A"
Information Literacy "Pass"
Writing for the Professions "A"
Research in Nursing "A"
Melody RN ASN Excelsior College Graduate
Working on my BSN thru Excelsior College
110 Credits down
14 Credits to go! |