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Registration Date: 11-13-2021
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-27-2024 at 03:48 AM

carrythenothing's Forum Info
Joined: 11-13-2021
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Total Likes Received: 335 (0.29 per day | 0.41 percent of total 82700)
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carrythenothing's Contact Details
Private Message: Send carrythenothing a private message.
Additional Info About carrythenothing
Location: United States
Bio: I'm happy to help with any questions you think I might be able to answer!
Sex: Male

carrythenothing's Signature
Ongoing: MLIS

June 2022, Thomas Edison State University (TESU): Second degree - BA in Computer Science + ASNSM in Mathematics + Cert. in CIS + Cert. in Operations Mgmt.
e-Packs: Computer Concepts; Industrial Psych.
Guided Study: Comp. Architecture
Online: Intro. to PLA; Database Mgmt.; Software Eng.; Data Structures; Liberal Arts Capstone; DSI-610 (

May 2019, a residential, RA institution: BA in Political Science and Educational Studies
Relevant equivalencies: MAT-321; MAT-431; STA-315