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Registration Date: 04-03-2017
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Local Time: 12-30-2024 at 04:59 PM
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BS in Interdiscipl. Studies (Health Sci. + Beh. Sci. [Coaching] + Business) at Liberty U

Liberty U: 36 cred finished

LU ICE exam:
4 cred
Christopher Newport U:
2 cred
Amer. Coll. of Healthcare Sciences: 52 cred (+14 non-transferable)
Study.com: Pers Fin, Amer Gov
Shmoop: Bible as Lit, Lit in Media
SL: Bus. Ethics, IT Fundamentals, Intro to Religion, Intro to Comm, Intro to Sociology, Surv of World History, Engl Comp I&II

TECEP: Intro to Critical Reasoning (didn't transfer)
ALEKS: Intro Stats