(BA LSSS & PSYCH 3/12/21 Grad)

Registration Date: 12-13-2019
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-22-2024 at 02:48 AM

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Library2HospitalChaplain's Signature
TESU BA.LSSS 121/121, BA.PSYCH 121/121, BA in Liberal Studies-Social Sciences and Psychology: March 2021 Graduation

Since 12/5/19:
CLEP: Intro Sociology - 62, Diversity, DSST: 1/6/20 Ethics in America - 440, 1/8/20 Intro World Religions - 470
Sophia: Intro to Statistics - 95%, & many credits... Ethics Social Sciences 90, Into Crim Justice 91, Criminal Law 90, Forensic Science 88, Social Psychology 94
InstantCert Credit: American Government, 91 4/14/2020
Coopersmith: Drugs and Society, Jewish Rabbinic Counseling, Hist and Sys of Psych, Modern Jewish American History, Physio Psych, Sociology of Jewish Food, JST-225 Laws of Blessings 9/16/22, BIB-376 Trees and Plants of the Bible 12/21/22
UExcel Social Psych: A, 1/26/21
TESU: SOS-110-OL 3 cr. A-99, APS-100-OL 1 cr A-97, PSY-331-EP 3 cr 87, PSY322 Research Exp Psych - A 95 3 cr, SOC291 Criminology A98 3 cr, PSY-300EP Thanatology 3 cr 80, HIS210GS Am Civil Rights Movement History 3 cr A, LIB-495OL Hansen A 3cr
TECEPs: PSY-270 2/3/20,  SOC-210 2/10/20, PSY-350 2/17/20, ETH-210