(Junior Member)

Registration Date: 08-28-2019
Date of Birth: Hidden (51 years old)
Local Time: 12-23-2024 at 05:22 PM
Status: Offline

JerseyDan's Forum Info
Joined: 08-28-2019
Last Visit: 10-18-2019, 11:14 AM
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JerseyDan's Contact Details
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Additional Info About JerseyDan
Bio: BA ENVIR (in progress)
ENC-101 English Composition I, ENC-102 English Composition II, SOS-110 Living in the Information Age, ANT-101 Introduction to Anthropology, POS-110 American Government, PHO-101 Introduction to Photography, FIL-110 American Cinema, SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology, AOJ-280 Forensic Science, GEO-151 Physical Geology, ENS-360 Environ Sustain Social Justice

ENC-101 English Composition I, ENC-102 English Composition II, MAT-103
General Math, SOS-101 Social Sciences and History I, SOS-102
Social Sciences and History II

Military Credit
COM-108 Fundamentals of Speech, COM-130 Human Communications, COS-101
Introduction to Computers, AOJ-101 Intro. to Law Enforcement, ENG-201 Technical Writing, COM-300 Intro to Business Commun., HRM-311 Organizational Behavior

Sex: Male