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I remember when my dean first told me about CLEPs and that I needed 3 of them if I wanted to finish my Bachelo'rs in a bit over a year, she told me something which I remember shocked me. She told me that they are very easy to pass and that if Blacks pass it, so can I.
I kept quiet which, now that I look back, I think was a terrible mistake because she keeps saying those words to other students too. What makes her think that she has the right to say that? :mad:
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]
purpleteen Wrote:What makes her think that she has the right to say that? :mad:

She has the right because no one has stood up and put her on check. Just have someone go in there asking about CLEPs, tape her and put her on youtube, then watch how quick she gets canned, and your college will be on the national spotlight.
Hopefully that is not the mentality of all your school's administration/leadership.
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
You have a moral responsibility to do something about that.

Yes you sat back, and I am glad you came to your senses now.
But sorry to be so harsh, but your no better than her for saying those things unless you do something about it.
hmuchmo1 Wrote:But sorry to be so harsh, but your no better than her for saying those things unless you do something about it.
Easy on purpleteen. As racist is what the comment is, sometimes one is flabbergasted because one is not expecting a comment like that.
Set yourself goals, not limitations
purpleteen Wrote:I remember when my dean first told me about CLEPs and that I needed 3 of them if I wanted to finish my Bachelo'rs in a bit over a year, she told me something which I remember shocked me. She told me that they are very easy to pass and that if Blacks pass it, so can I.
I kept quiet which, now that I look back, I think was a terrible mistake because she keeps saying those words to other students too. What makes her think that she has the right to say that? :mad:

:eek: That is a horrible thing to say and I'm surprised to hear something like that coming from the academic community, which tends to be a little bit more open-minded.

However... taking the initial racist comment apart, I wonder if she actually meant something else and just didn't communicate it well. I am TOTALLY giving her the benefit of the doubt here and disagree with what she said, but there is something else I can think of:

We know that unfortunately many standardized tests are geared towards middle to upper class white males and that other groups don't do as well because of the question biases. It's pretty well known that SAT and ACT scores for white males tend to be higher and that IQ tests are also very culturally biased. Maybe what she meant to say was that the CLEP/DSST's are standardized tests that don't seem to be slanted in favor of white males and therefore are easier tests to study for because you just have to learn the material and not worry about anything else.

I don't know... that is just a guess and I'm probably totally wrong. I'm just sincerely hoping that someone in that position wouldn't really be that idiotic and every once in a while, people say things that come out the wrong way, so I would love to believe that was not intended the way it sounded.
Regis University, ITESO, Global MBA with a focus in Emerging Markets 4.0 GPA, Dual-university degree (Spanish/English) 
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
COSC BS, Business Admin

My BS Credits:
Spanish 80 | Humanities 67 | A & I Lit 72 | Sub Abuse 452 | Bus Ethics 445 | Tech Writ 62 | Math 53 | HTYH 454 | Am. Govt 65 | Env & Humanity 64 | Marketing 65 | Micro 61| Mgmt 63| Org Behavior 65| MIS 446|Computing 432 | BL II 61 | M&B 50 | Finance 411 | Supervision 437| Intro Bus. 439| Law Enforcement 63|  SL: Accounting I B | Accounting II C+| Macro A | ECE: Labor Relations A | Capstone: A| FEMA PDS Cert 
At least she wasn't racist against purple people. Smile
"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and a compass and never knows where he may cast" - Leonardo Da Vinci

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

"The shortest distance between two points is usually under repair." - Anonymous

[SIZE="1"]CLEP/DSST/ACE credits (39), Total costs $1,383
Principles of Management (71), Principles of Supervision (446), Principles of Marketing (76), Management Information Systems (466), Human Resources Management (67), Intro to Computing (465), Environment & Humanity (69), Technical Writing (65), Intro to Business Law (75), Business Law II (80), Principles of Microeconomics (70), American Government (69), Straighterline Accounting II (90%)

Tasman Wrote:Easy on purpleteen. As racist is what the comment is, sometimes one is flabbergasted because one is not expecting a comment like that.

Very true, sometimes the comments just hit you like an uppercut and you don't know how to react.
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
purpleteen Wrote:I remember when my dean first told me about CLEPs and that I needed 3 of them if I wanted to finish my Bachelo'rs in a bit over a year, she told me something which I remember shocked me. She told me that they are very easy to pass and that if Blacks pass it, so can I.
I kept quiet which, now that I look back, I think was a terrible mistake because she keeps saying those words to other students too. What makes her think that she has the right to say that? :mad:

The Melanist Theory was a real thing. People were trying to link melanin levels in skin to IQ, but it was debunked in the last century. Maybe your dean is really really old, poorly read, or easily misled? Kidding aside, it's unfortunate that your dean's racism a) exists in the world and b) isn't run through a filter before she opens her mouth....cuz how ingrained does something have to be before you are casual enough to say it to a student AT WORK?

What I know about college- there is NO WAY she's getting repremanded unless you go public. People just Don't. Get. Fired. in higher ed. I looooovvveeee Clep101's suggestion, because she'd be bounced out in 2 seconds!
I have to disagree that standardized tests are made to be easy for people like me and hard for other people.
I think that is a myth that people concoct to make themselves feel better about their socieoeconomic group when they do poorly on a test.

There was a case presided on by Obama's recent supreme court appointment in which reverse racism occurred at the judicial level. White firemen who scored well on a promotion test were denied the promotion because black firefighters didn't score well.

In 2003, the New Haven Fire Department decided to base promotions to the positions of captain and lieutenant primarily on a written exam. But the next year the city threw out the test results when all but one of the eligible candidates for promotion proved to be white. New Haven firefighter Frank Ricci, a high scorer on the test who is white, sued for reverse discrimination. His case is now before the Supreme Court in Ricci v. DeStefano. The case is getting extra play because 2nd Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama's choice to take Justice David Souter's place on the Supreme Court, joined a brief opinion rejecting Ricci's appeal and then voted to deny rehearing of his case. Many commentators have championed Ricci's cause and disparaged Sotomayor for voting against him.

Why Sotomayor rejected the New Haven firefighters' claim. - By Richard Thompson Ford - Slate Magazine

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Sotomayor

NYT ‘Explains’ Sotomayor’s Racist Views » Sweetness & Light

When people say that my life was easier because I am a white male they cheapen the struggles that I have had in life.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
Quote:But sorry to be so harsh, but your no better than her for saying those things unless you do something about it.
Living out in the sticks of western NY, if I had to take a stand against every racist comment I heard, I'd never have a chance to do anything else. And I'd probably get my butt kicked a lot. It's sad, but it's true. Purpleteen's dean's comment sadly doesn't surprise me because it seems a lot of times that even the "educated" ones around my area have at least some racist ideas, even if they aren't actively hateful.

Things are better than 30 years ago, but we still have a long way to go.

Graduated 2/17/11: BS in Business, Concentration: General Business from Excelsior College

EXAMS/COURSES TAKEN: UB - Principles of Comm - C | UB - US History II - C | AS - Freshman Comp - C | CLEP Humanities - 70 | CLEP College Math - 66 | CLEP Bio - 70 | CLEP Psych - 74 | CLEP American Gov - 68 | CLEP Social Sciences - 73 | CLEP Microeconomics - 72 | CLEP Macroeconomics - 74 | CLEP Management - 72 | DSST Supervision - 457 | DSST HRM - 70 | DSST OB - 75 | ALEKS College Algebra - 78% | ALEKS Intro to Statistics - 71% | CSU Pueblo 311 MGMT - A | SL Accounting I - A | SL Accounting II - A | DSST Finance - 458 | DSST M&B - 63 | CLEP Intro Business Law - 71 | DSST Business Law II - 79 | CLEP Info Systems - 73 | DSST MIS - 481 | DSST Business Ethics - 458 | DSST Intro to Business - 461 | DSST Environment - 70 | CLEP Marketing - 71 | CLEP A&I - 73 | SL Sociology - 98% | SL Intro to Criminal Justice - 96% | SL Western Civ I - 92% | Excelsior BUS 495 - A

Degree plan.

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