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off topic - starting our business!
So I know this is totally off topic, but since you are all my "family" I thought I'd do a little update. Some of you may already know, that my husband and I are starting a business.

This process started in January, when I had an epiphany. I was about a year into my culinary burnout (18 years teaching for the program I used to run, and just SO over it all), so I was here, taking random science classes, fooling around with career changes, changing my career changes, dropped out of 7 graduate programs in 14 months (is that a record? hilarious ) and found my way onto one of those What Color is Your Parachute type sites. My dilemma was that I loved my field, I love cooking/cheffing, I love teaching culinary, and and I used to have my dream job. I just hated THIS job. THIS job, however, was the only one of it's kind in town, and there isn't any justification to when it asked something like "what would you do with your life if you won the lottery" I answered "I'd start my own damn culinary school." In that split second, I wondered if I could do it without winning the lottery? :confused: Well, I'm going to give it a shot!

I won't droll on and on, but I've been working on my concept and doing research since about the minute it hit me. I traveled to other privately owned culinary schools in other parts of the United States, met the owners and found wonderful mentors. I've been building the curriculum and concept at a good pace for the past few months. I'm nearly done. I'm going to visit my local SCORE office and get some feedback / guidance on a few parts I don't understand, and go from there. If all goes well, I should have funding by this time next month! Is that crazy or what????

Despite owning the domain, we don't yet have a website - I was going to give the name, but I'll wait until we get our site. I have a million plates spinning in the air, and I don't think this is even the start of it all!

In a nutshell, we'll have a 6 month culinary diploma program for enrolled students and recreational courses on weekends. I hope to get my courses ACE evaluated so students can get college credit, and I hope to get national accreditation so they can get student loans/pell grants-----that's a big expensive deal and we have to be open for 2 years before we can even apply, but that's a goal. At some point, I'm going to incorporate theory-based distance learning options, likely continuing education for professional certification, but that's wayyy wayyyy off too. I'm just trying to figure out which way is up at this point.

So, if you tolerated my raving, thank you. I seriously have had to keep this completely confidential (it's a small world) and I needed to tell someone!! I am sooo excited, nervous, self-doubting, get the idea. When the time comes that we launch our site, I'll post it here (with permission) for y'all to check out Smile
Wow! Wow! Wow! I had no idea that is what you have been starting. It sounds like a wonderful combination of your interests. I wish you so much success and enjoyment in this project!! Thanks for sharing this with us and be sure to let us know how things are progressing.
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
How very exciting! It sounds like your dream job, and it will be YOUR business. I love your entrepreneurial spirit!
Testing CreditsALEKS- Beginning Algebra, CLEP Intro Psychology, CLEP Principles of Management, CLEP Principles of Marketing, CLEP Info Systems & Computer App, CLEP Intro Sociology, CLEP Analyzing & Interpreting Literature, DSST Environment & Humanity, DSST Here's to Your Health, DSST Organizational Behavior, DSST Personal Finance, DSST Substance Abuse, DSST Supervision
Class Credits
English Composition 1, English Composition 2, Nutrition, Intercultural Communications, Introduction to Business, US History 2, College Algebra, HR Management, Professional Selling, Consumer Behavior, Managing Organizational Change, Art Appreciation, Music Appreciation, Statistics
I recommend putting up a free video class ASAP (a series of videos). You need to establish yourself as a subject matter expert. If you can use the kitchen of your current job that would allow you to create some very professional looking videos. Just make sure you can't get fired for using their kitchen, or post after you quit you job.

I would also think about making the biz heavily focused on web based learning from the start. It is probably a lot cheaper in terms of overhead.

Good luck!
Exciting stuff!!! Congrats. I'm going to throw you a curve, but bear with me.

A partner of mine (in another business) was just offered $5 million for his business + they want him to continue to run the business at full salary and they want to pump another $5 million into expanding the company. Why??? EVERYONE with money is trying to find new ways to earn 10% return on their money right now. This company (representing venture capitalists) doesn't want to run company's they want to earn a return on investing in them.

Makes perfect sense in this economy....and it is unlikely to change anytime soon.

I know this is your dream, but you should consider the possibility of building it and selling it. That is how you make money.

The other thing you should consider (after SCORE has helped/critiqued the business plan and if funding becomes an issue) is to take on a partner (under 50%) who knows you, is familiar with the education concept and has deep pockets that is currently only earning 1-2%. There are probably 5-6 people on the other board who qualify and would, if it was presented properly, invest. I'm serious.

Good luck, you can do it!!!
Excelsior - BS Business 2008
Son #1 TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems completed June 2010
Son #2 TESC BA Computer Science completed November 2010 Currently in Florida State (FSU) Masters CS program and loving it
Good luck! Wishing you success!
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]
Good luck cook! I'm really glad to hear this is coming to fruition for you! I have every confidence you will make it a big success!
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
Wow that is so exciting!!!! I agree with Andy3000 about the internet push. When you have your web designed, make sure you're working with someone who really understands what you're trying to do and who is good with SEO. (Search Engine Optimization) If you are well optimized, it can save you a fortune in advertising.

Also consider that we are in a great time for small businesses and free advertising. Social media can be such a great equalizer. If you do your homework, a good Facebook or LinkedIn page can make you just as popular as a school that's twice as large. Speaking of LinkedIn, Are you on LinkedIn? Are you connecting with people that might be able to help you? Are you spreading the word about yourself on your own personal FB page?

Can't wait to hear more!!
Regis University, ITESO, Global MBA with a focus in Emerging Markets 4.0 GPA, Dual-university degree (Spanish/English) 
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
COSC BS, Business Admin

My BS Credits:
Spanish 80 | Humanities 67 | A & I Lit 72 | Sub Abuse 452 | Bus Ethics 445 | Tech Writ 62 | Math 53 | HTYH 454 | Am. Govt 65 | Env & Humanity 64 | Marketing 65 | Micro 61| Mgmt 63| Org Behavior 65| MIS 446|Computing 432 | BL II 61 | M&B 50 | Finance 411 | Supervision 437| Intro Bus. 439| Law Enforcement 63|  SL: Accounting I B | Accounting II C+| Macro A | ECE: Labor Relations A | Capstone: A| FEMA PDS Cert 
Yay Cook!! That is so awesome. I'll be waiting to check out your website. Good luck with the rest of the work you have to do to get it finished!
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71

Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80Big Grin, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.

Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%

Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95

Auditing - 89

Adv. Acct. - B

Fed Income Taxation

BSBA Accounting
Very cool... congrats! We will all need to sign up for some classes once you're all set up and ACE approved! I know I could stand to take some remedial cooking classes if you were to offer those. Wink
Working on: Debating whether I want to pursue a doctoral program or maybe another master's degree in 2022-23

MBA (IT Management), 2019, Western Governors University
BSBA (Computer Information Systems), 2019, Thomas Edison State University
ASNSM (Computer Science), 2019, Thomas Edison State University

ScholarMatch College & Career Coach
WGU Ambassador

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