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new clep-ers
Hey, I'm brand new @ this. What are the best subjects to test on first, just getting a general feel for this? Which tests are generally not accepted in the pickier colleges? What tests am I going to need for just about any career I choose?
Have you completed your freshman english yet? That is a good six hours saved if you need it. How about the natural science series for another six hours or if you need history the U.S. History I and II.
A.S. General Transfer Chattanooga State 2009
B.S.L.A. Thomas Edison State College June 7, 2013
May I suggest the Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP? It is worth 6 credits and is fairly easy to take/prepare for if your reading comprehension skills are up to snuff. If you can read the the New York Times, The Canterbury tales the King James bible, or some Shakespear and have an idea of what is going on you'll be ok. After you take your first CLEP its all gravy from there.
BA, History, TESC '10
AAS, Mechanics and Maintenance, TESC '10
CLEP Social Sciences & History - 70/50
CLEP American Government - 65/50
CLEP English Composition General - 68/50
CLEP A & I Literature 70/50
CLEP Sociology 73/50
CLEP College Math 74/50
CLEP Intro Psychology 72/50
CLEP College Algebra 65/50
CLEP Macroeconomics 73/50
CLEP Microeconomics 70/50
CLEP Western Civ. I 79/50
CLEP Western Civ. II 70/50
CLEP US History I 79/50
CLEP US History II 78/50
DSST Technical Writing 63/46
DSST Intro to Computing 463/400
DSST Substance Abuse 463/400
DSST Fundamentals of Algebra 433/400
DSST World Religions 467/400
DSST The Civil War and Reconstruction 68/47
DSST A History of the Vietnam War 78/44
DSST An Introduction to the Modern Middle East 80/47
DSST Western Europe since 1945 71/47
DSST Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union 70/45


A B.E. or an MBA
I second A&I Literature...I'd take that over U.S. History 1 or 2. (Although if you do take one of those, I've heard the 2nd one is easier.)
n_runner Wrote:I second A&I Literature...I'd take that over U.S. History 1 or 2. (Although if you do take one of those, I've heard the 2nd one is easier.)
Ditto on A&I Lit, but US History II is not easier than US History I - at least, not in my opinion! US History II has a lot more acts and stuff that isn't in US History I. (Of course it depends on your prior knowledge.)

[SIZE="1"]American Government (68) ~ Analyzing & Interpreting Literature (70) ~ Art of the Western World (72) ~ Astronomy (66) ~ ENG407: Chaucer (A) ~ Civil War & Reconstruction (69) ~ College Algebra (62) ~ College Mathematics (73) ~ College Writing (A) ~ English Composition with Essay (59) ~ GRE Literature in English (610/73%tile) ~ Humanities (75) ~ Introduction to Business (62) ~ Introduction to Computing (459) ~ Introduction to Educational Psychology (72) ~ Introduction to World Religions (478) ~ Introductory Psychology (74) ~ Money & Banking (48) ~ Research & Writing (A) ~ Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (68) ~ ENG 310: Short Stories (A) ~ Introductory Sociology (77) ~ Social Sciences & History (76) ~ Technical Writing (67) ~ US History I (69) ~ US History II (64) ~ Western Civilization I (76) ~ Western Civilization II (65) Western Europe Since 1945 (65) ~ Exam Feedback

Total Credits: 121 ~ DONE: Literature in English BA from Excelsior College[/SIZE]
allyson Wrote:Hey, I'm brand new @ this. What are the best subjects to test on first, just getting a general feel for this? Which tests are generally not accepted in the pickier colleges? What tests am I going to need for just about any career I choose?

A&I Lit is one of the easier one (and I barely pass)...However, it is a lot of reading (a few Passages) and time is not your friend on this one. The other thing to remember is that easy is your knowledge if you are into healthcare, then HTYH, or SUBSTANCE ABUSE/DRUG AND ALCOHOL would be considered easy for you.

Most of these exams are applicable to any Degree...just search the FORUM for degree plans and you will see the overlapping.

Remember INSTANCTCERT ACADEMY makes the process easier.
Started 5/09
[SIZE="1"]Hist I & II, American Gov, Intro to Comp, Prin of Markt, Intro to Bus,
Civil War and Recon, HTYH, A&I Lit, SS & His, Intro Soc, Subs Abuse,
Human G & D , Fund of Coun, Western Civ I, II, Freshman Comp, Vietnam War, Europe Since 1945, Ethics, Technical Writing, Intro to Modern Middle East[SIZE="1"][/SIZE]

FEMA: PD Series
“I think therefore I am” Rene Descartes
"Grant me the strength to change the things I can; the serenity to accept the things I can’t... and the wisdom to know the difference".Smile Smile
[SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Navy"]For those who believe, no proof is necessary; for those who don't believe, no proof is possible. [I][I][I][I][SIZE="1"]Stuart Chase[/SIZE][/I][/I][/I][/I]
Ruddigore Wrote:Ditto on A&I Lit, but US History II is not easier than US History I - at least, not in my opinion! US History II has a lot more acts and stuff that isn't in US History I. (Of course it depends on your prior knowledge.)

This is true!

Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 63
Information Systems and Computer Applications 51
History of the United States I 62
History of the United States II 58
College Mathematics 63
Introductory Sociology 54
English Composition with Essay 59
Freshman College Composition 67
Western Civilization I 60
Western Civilization II 51
Humanities 62
American Literature 56
English Literature 62

Introduction to World Religions 432
Astronomy 50
Technical Writing 56
Civil War and Reconstruction 56
A History of the Vietnam War 63
Western Europe since 1945 53
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union 49
General Anthropology 51
Personal Finance 418
Introduction to Law Enforcement 51
Modern Middle East 52

I've graduated! 9/9/2011[/SIZE]
all the test i've taken so far were kind of easy
Introduction to Sociology - 54/50
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 53/50
History 1 - 51/50
[SIZE="1"]Started using InstantCert [/SIZE]
College Mathematics - 61/50
History 2 - 53/50
American Government - 55/50
German - 56/50 ----FUCK I only needed a 60 for 6 more credits
Social Science & History - 61/50
College Composition - 50/50 lol
Intro to Computers - 408/400
College Algebra - 56/50
Principles of Management - 50/50
Ethics in America - 451/400
Principles of Statistics - 438/400
Principles of Finance - 411/400
Management Information Systems - 451/400
Principles of Marketing - 62/50
Intro to World Religions - 454/400
Business Law I - 50/50

Ruddigore Wrote:Ditto on A&I Lit, but US History II is not easier than US History I - at least, not in my opinion! US History II has a lot more acts and stuff that isn't in US History I.

I can believe it...History 2 did seem hard to me (and I only passed with a 54)...but as far as it being easier than History 1, I was just going off of what a friend told me. Rolleyes
A & I Lit is a good first test, but it may not count at your school. It seems to be one I see left off the list often. US History 1 would be a good bet, so would Intro Psychology. I'd say you will likely get a social science exam to count above all else. Also, I would say if you are going for a BS or anything in science/health/math then skip those CLEPs, they won't count because they don't have labs. If you are going for business, any of the intros would be good. Good Luck! The first is always the hardest!

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