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mRNA booster: AstraZeneca vaccine
For those who have taken two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, it's recommended to take an mRNA booster shot, OR a third AstraZeneca booster shot for the "extra" or further build in immunity.  Anyways, a few countries already have done so such as Grenada and Malaysia, etc.  I believe in several countries, they have this option as well... 

Grenada Link: Prime Minister Receives Covid-19 Booster Shot - REAL FM GRENADA (
Malaysia Link: AstraZeneca Recipients Will Be Getting Booster Shots Soon - Lowyat.NET Offer
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They should make a new COVID vaccine. You know a vaccine that actually works!!!  

We got more infected/dying people this year with the vaccine than we had without the vaccine last year. 

All these COVID vaccines are deeply flawed, in my opinion.  They don't work, for example like the measles vaccine that uses the REAL measles virus.

The measles has a reproduction value of 12-18. If the vaccine didn't work, everyone in the USA would catch the measles in a few months after just one infected person came to the U.S.
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
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(11-02-2021, 01:34 AM)LevelUP Wrote: They should make a new COVID vaccine. You know a vaccine that actually works!!!  

We got more infected/dying people this year with the vaccine than we had without the vaccine last year. 
I love how anti-vaxers constantly move the goal post and misrepresent things (lie, but I am being considerate). Are the vaccines 100% effective?  Nope. BUT the unvaccinated are dramatically more likely to get Covid, to be hospitalized with it, and to die from it. 

Also, you do know that the uptick in Covid cases and deaths is being driven by the UNVACCINATED, right? So, you are criticizing a vaccine because it cannot protect the roughly 40% of the population who cannot or will not take it?  I would love it if they could develop a magic vaccine that would 100% protect everybody without anybody having to take it. But, let’s be real, a significant part of the population wouldn’t trust it because it was created too quickly, the WHO was involved in its development, Anthony Fauci ate toast for breakfast, yada, yada, yada.
Master of Accountancy (taxation concentration), University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, in progress. 
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(11-02-2021, 01:34 AM)LevelUP Wrote: ...We got more infected/dying people this year with the vaccine than we had without the vaccine last year...

You are indicating that people are dying from the vaccination and this is simply a lie.  The people who are dying have not been vaccinated.  If you don't want to get vaccinated then that is your privilege but you don't get to have "alternative facts."
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(11-02-2021, 01:34 AM)LevelUP Wrote: They should make a new COVID vaccine. You know a vaccine that actually works!!!  

We got more infected/dying people this year with the vaccine than we had without the vaccine last year. 

All these COVID vaccines are deeply flawed, in my opinion.  They don't work, for example like the measles vaccine that uses the REAL measles virus.

The measles has a reproduction value of 12-18. If the vaccine didn't work, everyone in the USA would catch the measles in a few months after just one infected person came to the U.S.

While it's not AS common, you can still get measles after vaccination. Especially if you don't get your adult booster shot.

Quote:Very few people—about three out of 100—who get two doses of measles vaccine will still get measles if exposed to the virus. Experts aren’t sure why. It could be that their immune systems didn’t respond as well as they should have to the vaccine. But the good news is, fully vaccinated people who get measles seem more likely to have a milder illness. And fully vaccinated people seem also less likely to spread the disease to other people, including people who can’t get vaccinated because they are too young or have weakened immune systems.

This isn't unlike how the covid vaccines work:
  • If you're vaccinated, you're less likely to be infected.
  • If you are infected, you're less likely to be sick.
  • Even if you are sick, you're less likely to pass on the illness to other people. 
It's not perfect, no, but that's how vaccines work. It's how they've always worked. There are always outliers, for one reason or another. People who are (knowingly or not) immunocompromised and for whom vaccines don't really work, for instance. 

The reason why more people are dying is because restrictions are (stupidly, IMO) being lifted. So people are being reckless and going mask-free, vaccinated or not.
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If 40% of people are choosing not to be vaccinated tell me there's a problem, considering the fact that the rates for other vaccines is pretty high (mid-80's to low-90's). The reason people aren't taking it is because they don't trust it, they don't trust the government, they don't trust big Pharma, or some combination of those. The messaging has been terrible. Continuing to have Fauci up there being the face of this, after all of his lying, is a ridiculously stupid idea.

Mandates are a terrible idea as well - I think far more people would be willing to take it if they weren't forced. There is a large faction of people who object strictly because of the mandates (I know some). Or think that if it was so great, we wouldn't have to be forced to take it.

Ham-fisted restrictions have also been an issue. The states that did not have harsh restrictions, such as shutting down schools for prolonged periods, didn't do any worse than the others. Especially knowing that in Europe, kids have been going to school, unmasked in most cases, this entire time, is not helping.

Let's not even talk about how we have handled the numbers and data. Sure, it's the "unvaccinated" that are the problem - except that they don't really track it as well as you think. The people who died "with Covid" vs those "from Covid" we now know have been inflated to make it seem worse that it was. The data dumps on Friday nights or Monday mornings to make trends look worse. Duplicate reporting within counties or states. All kinds of shenanigans, whether on purpose or just due to inefficiencies.

How about co-morbidities. Where are we hearing that if you're overweight, go lose weight to help your body's ability to fight off Covid. That is THE number 1 comorbidity, and yet the government has done absolutely ZERO to try to get out that messaging.

We're seeing that natural immunity doesn't "count" even though it's been the best way to deal with disease since the dawn of mankind. They say "we don't know how long it lasts" and yet, they don't know how long the vaccines last either.

And, the 1st shot, the 2nd shot, now boosters...and it may be the way it has to perpetuity? When will the shots end? And when will the masks be allowed to be removed? If we are STILL required to wear masks even after vaccination, there is no benefit to getting vaccinated. I mean, seriously, this has all been so mishandled.

So, I think it's nuts to try to blame the unvaccinated. Blame China for getting this out. Blame Fauci and the others in the NIH for funding gain-of-function research. Blame the government for mishandling so many aspects of this. But don't blame people who see what's going on with all of this and have mistrust. There are plenty of doctors, nurses, scientists - who all won't take the vaccine. If they won't take it, why should the rest of us? Why should we have trust that it's going to work and life will get back to normal.

BTW - this is not a pro-vax or anti-vax discussion. It's about everything around it. You can be pro-vax and hate how our government has handled everything. You can be anti-vax and have perfectly reasonable reasons why.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
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42% of COVID deaths in Illinois last week were from people that were fully vaccinated:

60% of people hospitalized in Isreal with COVID are fully vaccinated:

Not just a few people are dying, lots of full-vaccinated people are dying from COVID.

No vaccine works perfectly but this COVID vaccine gives people a false sense of security.

Look at the Flordia chart. Flordia has no mask or vaccine mandates and now has record low levels of COVID.  The media won't report on this because it doesn't fit their COVID fear narrative.  Also, the governor is from the wrong political party.

“Just resume living,” Bill Maher told his audience. “I know some people seem to not want to give up on the wonderful pandemic, but you know what? It’s over. There’s always going to be a variant. You shouldn’t have to wear masks. I should be to … I haven’t had a meeting with my staff since March of 2020. Why?”

“Also, vaccine, mask, pick one! You’ve got to pick. You can’t make me mask if I’ve had the vaccine,” Maher added.

Maher then pressed his guest, Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., since “it’s the Democrats” that keep enforcing COVID restrictions.

“I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the ass. For no reason,” Maher said.

“Except the world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t,” Maher pushed back, “because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best kind of immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who have natural immunity because they don’t get the vaccine. We should hire them. Yes?”

“And if someone’s willing to be a fireman, if someone’s willing to be a policeman, if someone’s willing to go into a burning building and says, ‘I’m just not that afraid of COVID and I don’t want to take the vaccine,’ that should be enough,” Flanagan interjected. “You shouldn’t be losing a job, you shouldn’t be furloughed without pay, the guy that saves lives because he doesn’t want to take the vaccine. It’s ridiculous.” 

I wouldn't blame the unvaccinated for this pandemic when in reality it may be the vaccinated are the ones dragging out this pandemic longer than it needed to go.  As their vaccine wears off, they catch COVID and spread it to others.  While most of the unvaccinated already caught COVID and have herd immunity.
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
Course Experience:  CLEP, Instantcert,,,,,,, and TEL Learning.
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Well, I guess it’s settled. 96% of doctors are vaccinated, but because 4% aren’t, that means that doctors collectively don’t trust the vaccine. We should just give up on it.

Bill Maher thinks the pandemic is over, so it’s over. In a country where the great majority of people are vaccinated, more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people die. Never mind the fact that you are more likely to die if you aren’t vaccinated. Some vaccinated people died, so we should just give up.
Master of Accountancy (taxation concentration), University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, in progress. 
Master of Business Administration (financial planning specialization), University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, in progress.

BA, UMPI.  Accounting major; Business Administration major/Management & Leadership concentration.  Awarded Dec. 2021.

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(11-02-2021, 07:55 PM)freeloader Wrote: Well, I guess it’s settled. 96% of doctors are vaccinated, but because 4% aren’t, that means that doctors collectively don’t trust the vaccine. We should just give up on it.  

Bill Maher thinks the pandemic is over, so it’s over. In a country where the great majority of people are vaccinated, more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people die. Never mind the fact that you are more likely to die if you aren’t vaccinated. Some vaccinated people died, so we should just give up.

I don't think anyone on here said that we should just give up on it.  We gave reasons why people aren't taking it, don't trust the media, don't trust the government.  Etc.

The shaming is another thing.  The more people try to shame others, the more people dig in their heels.  It is NOT an effective way to convince people to take the vaccine.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
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(11-02-2021, 08:03 PM)dfrecore Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 07:55 PM)freeloader Wrote: Well, I guess it’s settled. 96% of doctors are vaccinated, but because 4% aren’t, that means that doctors collectively don’t trust the vaccine. We should just give up on it.  

Bill Maher thinks the pandemic is over, so it’s over. In a country where the great majority of people are vaccinated, more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people die. Never mind the fact that you are more likely to die if you aren’t vaccinated. Some vaccinated people died, so we should just give up.

...We gave reasons why people aren't taking it, don't trust the media, don't trust the government...

You gave some reasons but neglected others
7 common reasons for refusing vaccines (
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