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big let down
For weeks I pumped my brain to full capacity for the social sciences and history exam. I arrived today (ready to burst) only to find the server was down. I hung out for an hour, but it became too late to start. Besides, it still wasn't up.:mad:

Well....I am certainly sure that by the time I can get over and take this test (2 weeks from now!!!!!!) that I won't remember a thing. Well, ok, that's exagerating- but really- I was ready TODAY, not in two weeks.

So, my dilemma, should I
a) Start to study for my next test and then just quick review this one a day or so before the exam?
b) Continue to study for this exam- there is more I could work on world history/western civ.

Thanks everyone.
There is only 1 testing center here. There are only open Tue/Wed nights (I have to test at night) and next Tue/Wed my hubby works late- so it will be the following week. Sad
It will be fine, I'm going to choose option C!

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