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ba in psycholgy
sorry i broke my handtoday so my typing is off. my question is this.
anyone have an idea of which of these subjects i could test out? I already took their associates and pass in 8 weeks but now would need 2 more years through this program. i want to cut it back to 1 year.
its through uop.
if anyone has a better idea or school let me know. thanks
again sorry for misspellings and typos but my hand hurts

Course Title Credits
GEN 300 Skills for Professional Development 3
PSY 300 General Psychology 3
PSY 310 History and Systems of Psychology 3
PSY 315 Statistical Reasoning in Psychology 3
PSY 340 Biological Foundations of Psychology 3
PSY 355 Motivational Processes in Human Psychology 3
COMM 215
PSY 360 Cognitive Psychology 3
PSY 375 Life Span Human Development 3
PSY 390 Learning and Cognition 3
PSY 400 Social Psychology 3
PSY 405 Theories of Personality 3
PSY 410 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSY 435 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3
PSY 450 Diversity and Cultural Factors in Psychology 3
PSY 460 Environmental Psychology 3 PSY 3
PSY 475 Psychological Tests and Measurements 3
PSY 480 Survey of Clinical Psychology 3
PSY 490 Capstone Course in Psychology
[SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="4"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]"Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on my job helmet, and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies!" Its always sunny in Philadelphia.

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]tesc credit banked
FEMA IS courses- alot

Aleks completed-many of them

Cleps:Spanish 67

Associates in psychology UOP
TESC BA in psychology[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]

attempting currently
Masters in counseling
I don't know what your specific school will or will not accept; you'll want to check your school catalog or ask your advisor. However, here's a list of options regarding psychology credits-by-exam. I apologize in advance if I missed anything.

An Overview of Psychology Credits-by-Exam

CLEP: Exam Descriptions

Introduction to Education Psychology
Introductory Psychology


Lifespan Developmental Psychology
Fundamentals of Counseling

Excelsior (including UExcel)
Excelsior Exams

Abnormal Psychology
Psychology of Adulthood & Aging
Research Methods in Psychology
Social Psychology
Introduction to Psychology

Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison State College TECEP Tests

Psychology of Women
Thanatology: An Understanding of Death and Dying
Research in Experimental Psychology
Behavior Modification Techniques in Counseling
Abnormal Psychology
Psychology of Personality
Organizational Behavior
Introduction to Social Psychology

Ohio University
Ohio University Psychology Exams

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Child and Adolescent Psychology
Educational Psychology
Behavior Genetics and Individual Differences
Abnormal Psychology
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
Psychological Disorders of Childhood
Psychology of Health and Illness

The GRE Subject Test in Psychology
GRE Subject Tests Overview

Charter Oak grants 18 credits for scoring at or above the 40th percentile; 15 credits are lower level and the other 3 are upper level. Excelsior grants from 3 up to a maximum of 30 or 33 credits*** for the GRE Subject Tests, depending upon the percentile attained, from the 35th percentile up to the 80th percentile. TESC does not currently offer credit for the GRE Subject Tests. The only other school of which I am personally aware that offers credit for the GRE Subject Tests is Empire State College.

***Excelsior recently increased its maximum credit award for the GRE Subject Tests. EC's "A Student Guide to Credit by Examination at Excelsior College" had listed the credit range as "from 3 to 30 credits" in the 2008 edition, but the 2009 edition replaces that phrase with "from 3 to 33 credits." I do not personally know whether the new 33 credit maximum is applicable to all or just certain of the GRE Subject Tests.

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