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Working on my Degree Plan. HELP?!?
So I have a BA in Early childhood Education and history from a B&M school so all of my gen ed requirements should be filled (still waiting on them to evaluate my transcripts. Does this look alright? Only some of the Saylor Courses have ACE credits associated with them I just saw, so some of the ones I have do not transfer?? I'm confused on this point because I've seen them on other people's plans
If any one has any suggestions for the 3 classes that are blank I'm all ears.
BE KIND, I'm NEW Smile

BSBA in Accounting CPA

For TESU course options, go to BUS 210 Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers
or STA-201 Principles of Statistics
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_Straighterline ____STA-201_____ ___Principles of Statistics @SL MAT150
3 credits needed

Cornerstone: Lifelong Learning Strategies
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_e-Pack_ __ TES-100___ __Lifelong Learning Strategies__ __________ _______ _______ __________

2: Core (36SH) (Not started)
Credits Earned: 0 Complete all 10 subrequirements:

A: Accounting 6 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to ACC-101 Principles of Financial Accounting
AND AC C-102 Principles of Managerial Accounting

Credits Earned: 0
Group 1 (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_Straighterline ___ACC-101 _____ ____Accounting I_____ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits
_Straighterline ___ACC-102 _____ ____Accounting II_____ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits

B: Business Law 3 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to LAW-201 Business Law
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_Straighterline ___LAW-201 _ _ Business Law @SL BUS110

C: Computers 3 SH (Not started)
Choose an Introduction course in: Information Systems; Computer Literacy; Computing w/applications such as Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Databases.
For TESU course options, please contact an Advisor
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
This SHOULD transfer in
3 credits needed

D: Finance 3 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to FIN-301 Principles of Finance
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_Pearson ___FIN-301 _____ ____Intro to Finance_____ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

E: Management 3 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to MAN-301 Principles of Management
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_Saylor ___MAN-301 _____ ____Principles of Management_____ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

F: Marketing 3 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to MAR-301 Introduction to Marketing
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_Saylor ___MAR-301 ____ ____Principles of Marketing_____ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

G: Business/Society 3SH (Not started)
Topics can include: International Management, Business in Society, International Marketing, and International Business.
For TESU course options, go to MAN-372 International Management
OR BUS-311 Business in Society
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes _MAN372_ _International Management @study.comBusiness 308: Globalization & International Management
3 credits needed

H: Economics 6 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to ECO-111 Macroeconomics
AND ECO-112 Microeconomics< /a>
Credits Earned: 0
Group 1 (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_JumpCourse/ Pearson / Straighterline ___ECO-111 _____ ____ Macroeconomics_____@SL ECON101
3 credits needed
Group 2 (Not started)
JumpCourse/ Pearson / Straighterline ___ECO-112 _____ ____ Microeconomics_____ _____@SL ECON102
3 credits needed

I: Communications 3 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to MAN-373 Managerial Communications
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_Saylor ___MAN-373 _____ ___Corporate Communication____ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

J: Strategic Mngt 3 SH (Not started)
*This Capstone course must be taken at Thomas Edison State University or via an approved Thomas Edison State University Academic Program Review.
For TESU course options, go to BUS-421 Strategic Management
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

3: CPA (24SH with grade of C or better) (Not started)
Credits Earned: 0 GPA Achieved/Needed: none / 2.000 Complete all 7 subrequirements:

A: Intermediate I (Not started)
Complete 3 semester hours (SH) in Intermediate Accounting I with a grade of C or better.
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
_Straighterline_ ACC-201 __Intermediate Accounting I____ @SL Financial Accounting ACC151
1 course needed

B: Intermediate II (Not started)
Complete 3 semester hours (SH) in Intermediate Accounting II with a grade of C or better.
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
??Penn Foster_ ACC-202 ___Intermediate Accounting II____ __________ _______ _______ __________
1 course needed

C: Advanced I (Not started)
Complete 3 semester hours (SH) in Advanced Accounting I with a grade of C or better.
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
Study.com_ ACC-401 __Advanced Accounting__ ____ 302 Advanced Accounting
1 course needed

D: Advanced II (Not started)
Complete 3 semester hours (SH) in Advanced Accounting II with a grade of C or better.
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
______ ACC-402 _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
1 course needed
E: Auditing (Not started)
Complete 3 semester hours (SH) in Auditing with a grade of C or better.
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
______ ACC-411 _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
1 course needed
F: Fed Income Taxation (Not started)
Complete 3 semester hours (SH) in Federal Income Taxation with a grade of C or better.
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
______ ACC-421 _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
1 course needed

G: Adv Level Accounting (Not started)
Complete 6 semester hours (SH) of advanced level accounting coursework, with a grade of C or better.
Source Course Title Term Grade Credits TESU # Notes
Straighterline_ ____ACC-303_____ ____Cost Accounting____ @SL Managerial Accounting ACC150
3 credits needed _ACC-301__ _Managerial Accounting_ @ 301 Applied Managerial Accounting_
3 credits needed
From Saylor these classes on my plan do not have NCCRS or ACE credit recommendations
I should swap them out, correct??

Intro to Statistics
Accounting I & II
Business Law & Ethics
Kgaul Wrote:From Saylor these classes on my plan do not have NCCRS or ACE credit recommendations
I should swap them out, correct??

Intro to Statistics
Accounting I & II
Business Law & Ethics

ONLY courses that are ACE / NCCRS through Saylor will be worth credit. Everything else is personal enrichment/non credit.
Thanks! I'm going to edite my original post to reflect this
You might need to let advising know you are 2nd BA and need to fix the GE so that they will fill in random courses for any missing requirements. Their eval software doesn't handle 2nd BA automatically, so it may need to be fixed. If there is a GE requirement that says "DEGREE REQUIREMENT" like statistics in the BSBA above, you have to complete it regardless of the first BA.
TESU BA CS and Math (graduated December 2016)
Welcome! Some Saylor courses are evaluated through ACE but listed on the Alternative Credit Project Ecosystem. I think a few of Saylor's courses are evaluated by NCCRS as well.

Have you checked with your state's requirements to make sure that you are meeting those requirements through this plan? Some states require in-person classes, for example. Just check about that before you start.

If you squeak in now (as in, finish before the end of this month), ALEKS Statistics would count as STA-201. The Saylor course counts as OPM-351 but would also fulfill the stats hours needed.

You could take or DSST Principles of Finance FIN-301 instead of the Pearson course.

There are TECEPs ($114 each) for Strategic Management and Financial Institutions and Markets.
Thomas Edison State University | All TECEPÂ Tests

You should get a waiver for the Cornerstone requirement, but you have to ask.

And have you applied for the scholarship?

CSU Global has Auditing and several other accounting CBEs.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
I am actually in NJ where TESU is located, so their state requirements are my state requirements Smile
The Business Statistics class on Saylor?
I will cut out the pearson class
I'll keep that in mind but if I don't agree with the way they transferred in, then I am not one to go quietly into the night lol
But I'll def keep an eye on that
Quote:The Saylor course counts as OPM-351 but would also fulfill the stats hours needed.

Their business stats course comes in this way. Saylor's Intro to Stats, which is ACE approved, should come in as STA-201

Quote:Intro to Statistics
Accounting I & II
Business Law & Ethics

Intro to Stats and Business Law/Ethics both have ACE approval. The only accounting course they have with approval is "Introduction to Financial Accounting" which counts as ACC-101 Principles of Financial Accounting at TESU
Northwestern California University School of Law
JD Law, 2027 (in progress, currently 2L)

Georgia Tech
MS Cybersecurity (Policy), 2021

Thomas Edison State University
BA Computer Science, 2023
BA Psychology, 2016
AS Business Administration, 2023
Certificate in Operations Management, 2023
Certificate in Computer Information Systems, 2023

Western Governors University
BS IT Security, 2018

Chaffey College
AA Sociology, 2015

Accumulated Credit: Undergrad: 258.50 | Graduate: 32

View all of my credit on my Omni Transcript!
Visit the DegreeForum Community Wiki!
Thanks! I'm not sure how I missed them

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