(08-10-2022, 01:10 PM)ss20ts Wrote: If you graduate from SCAD or RISD, you basically have a ticket to whatever you want. In certain aspects of the creative industries, these grads are in ridiculously high demand.
They are great schools. SCAD and RISD are two on the short list of schools that are almost mandatory to get into many (not all) areas of the fashion biz and hope to get anywhere. As far as "demand" goes - yes, a degree from one of a very few such schools is needed to "get into the game" for an
awful lot of fashion jobs. The people who hire, for many positions, will "demand" that you have one. Because they
know you'll need it to advance. It helps get you in the door, then you work your way up, through your efforts, abilities and work you've done along the way, that has pleased or impressed those you report to or have been called upon to help. Like other careers - it takes a while.
And it's hard. But if you love the business ... :-)
The degree is an entry ticket. The knowledge and skills you gained - and what you accomplish through them and your abilities - is what advances you beyond the entry level.
It is a ticket to opportunity - but not a guarantee of success.. I guess that could be said of any degree.
Yes, these are "the" schools. And they cost. The best always do. It helps to know where you want to be in the business. If you want to write for the industry, maybe you need journalism, not RISD. You don't need RISD if you want to be a fashion photographer. You need artistic ability, hands-on camera skills, technical knowledge of many cameras and photographic / computer processes and most probably, the ability to tough it out for quite a while as an assistant to an established fashion photographer. Your work will speak for you. Merchandising? Look at both business and fashion degrees. Talk to people. Read. If you want anything connected with design -- RISD, Parsons etc. are the best. They work in lots of areas. If you're seriously headed for a fashion career of any kind - you probably know everything I've said here, already. And if you are, I wish you every success.