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college or trade
US just respects $$$$$, no one really cares how you earn it. Even criminal acts are ok.... but only if you're a member of Congress.
[QUOTE=burbuja0512]I think that for the most part, high school counselors don't do a good job of presenting all the options. Back when I was in H.S., the counselors and the teachers made you feel like a loser if you did anything other than go straight into a four year school.QUOTE]

You know why? What are the state-mandated requirements to be a high school guidance counselor? They simply know no other way. Everything else is just a path they've "read about" or "know someone who....."
MA2 Wrote:Not everyone can go to college. I really wish high schools taught more about the alternatives to college... learning a trade, the military, entry level jobs with growth potential, etc.

I think the whole "the only way to be successful is to go to college" mantra of high schools today is why so many reports show that kids are learning less in schools now, and why so many kids get useless degrees and wonder why the can't find a job.

"But I spent $200,000 dollars on this sociology bachelors, why can't I find a job? Darn economy!"


Yes. Very Yes. +2
B.S. Comp Studies - UMUC (May/2011)
Cert. Information Assurance - UMUC (May/2011)
Cert. Information & Network Security - UMBC Training Centers (June/2010)
A.A. Information Technology - Programming (May/2010)
CEH, CHFI, Sec+, Linux+, iNet+, Project+, SCJP, SCWCD, CIW

"A job not worth doing is not worth doing well, but a job worth doing is worth doing right the first time."
burbuja0512 Wrote:I think that for the most part, high school counselors don't do a good job of presenting all the options. Back when I was in H.S., the counselors and the teachers made you feel like a loser if you did anything other than go straight into a four year school.

Yep, that was my experience too. So of course I enrolled! If I had to do it over, I probably would have joined the military right out of high school and taken classes part time instead of working right away and taking night classes and constantly worrying about keeping a roof over my head and feeding myself. Ah, well. It all worked out! Wink
[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College

MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]

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