07-10-2021, 03:42 PM
(07-10-2021, 02:20 PM)sanantone Wrote: I learned years ago that the learning style theories are not based on research. Considering that I have ADHD, I learn from whatever I can pay attention to. Visual and audio lectures need to be interesting, and they're usually not. This is why I ended up avoiding Sophia and Study.com.
I don’t know if I have ADHD, (never diagnosed with it - but my son has it), but I can definitely say that certain types of things just do not keep my interest. I am really TRYING to read this information for my classes at Walden and I just can’t. I just finally finished reading 5 pages. I think I started to fall asleep 6-7 times. The same was true when I had a professor who just read from his book in a monotone voice. I could NOT stay awake in that class no matter what I tried to do. For me, it seems like I am good with watching a (charismatic) video then following up with some sort of interactive activity (like multiple choice with immediate feedback or something). THEN I might be able to write a paper on a related topic. So, I am struggling and just wanting to find something that works for me. I got ONE competency finished. ONE. And the term ends August 2nd. It’s not looking good for me to finish 3.75 credits.
Since I couldn’t stay awake on my reading, I popped over to this forum…. Bad…. I know….. but this keeps me awake.