01-17-2018, 08:21 PM
At Davar, they give you some slides and quizzes, and suggest a textbook. The slides are from the textbook. You study however you want and take the exam. Most have short essays like TECEPs. Some Davar courses require an assignment or more than one.
CSU-Global has a course with suggested textbook readings and practice questions, but it's optional. You can study how you want and take the exam when ready.
If you use Modern States, you have to do all the questions before you can get a voucher. They have transcripts of the videos.
CSU-Global has a course with suggested textbook readings and practice questions, but it's optional. You can study how you want and take the exam when ready.
If you use Modern States, you have to do all the questions before you can get a voucher. They have transcripts of the videos.