12-25-2007, 09:50 PM
cannoda Wrote:I got out of the IT consulting game just as certifications became a big deal. I never liked the proprietary certs - preferred being paid for my overall IT AND business knowledge rather than narrow technical areas.
If you already have a decent IT resume - do the BSLS and then an MBA with a MIS concentration. It's the fasted path. You can use CLEP and DANTES business and econ exams to knock out the preliminary (waivable) courses in the MBA program. Depending on where you're doing the BSLS, you can use these exams toward your BSLS.
Well thats kind of funny. With the BSLS, the only classes I would really need to fulfill the BSBA MIS would be the CLEP/DANTES business and econ exams.