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Freaking out! My testing center didn't send my professor my final!
I'm seeing red and freaking out. banghead I had my final exam for abstract algebra this past Tuesday. The class is for Chadron State in Nebraska and I'm in New Jersey. Everything went fine, apparently. But I just got an e-mail from my professor asking if I took the exam yet. :ack::puke: This is the third time I've used the center this semester. The first two tests were no problem. Now I have to hope they are open on a Saturday and this is an easy fix. The lady at the desk said she had me in for a Wednesday appointment instead of Tuesday. I wonder if that is part of the problem. They also switched proctors in the middle of the time. Maybe each one thinks the other took care of it. Any way I slice it I can't sleep and just want to punch holes in a brick wall. :toetap:
BA in Math & Psych double-major - Excelsior
Man that sucks....but things like this usually work out. Hang in there! What is your course of study at Chadron? I almost went there for my MBA...maybe should have. Smile
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
Ok. Prof e-mailed me Saturday. Looks like they faxed the first two tests but for some reason snail mailed my final. He said he verified with my proctor that I was there and took it and he expects to have it and graded by Tuesday morning. :hurray: Disaster averted (or maybe never existed) I suppose but I'll be dropping by Monday to see them in person to make sure.

rebel100, I'm taking MATH-429 Introduction to Modern Algebra. Chadron is pretty rare in that they offer a couple upperclassman level math classes online, and they're regionally accredited. I'm finishing up my math major at Excelsior and it's slim pickin's when it comes to distance offerings to finish out those junior and senior level requirements. Chadron is one of the few I've found and definitely the most affordable.
BA in Math & Psych double-major - Excelsior

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