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Urgent! Excelsior Nursing Crisis!
:mad: In recent days some disturbing news has been brought to my attention regarding the LPN to Assoc. RN program at Excelsior College. I am posting a message here because, as distance learners, I truly believe we can all relate to the seriousness of this issue. It seems to me that SOMEONE needs to join forces and address this on a national level before it makes this type of educational avenue obsolete.

I am an LPN currently enrolled in Excelsior College working toward my Associate RN degree. I live in the state of Virginia and the Virginia Board of Nursing has recently passed new legislation that will result in Excelsior College RN graduates being denied the right to sit for the NCLEX-RN exam. It will deny them the ability to ever obtain an RN licensure by exam OR endorsement from another state. I have been circulating my story along with an online petition and would appreciate it if you could sign it and pass it along to fellow nurses and nurse educators. The cost of ignoring this new legislation could prove fatal for the Excelsior College nursing option... an option that, for many, is the only realistic avenue for going back to school. I have included the link to my petition as well as a link to "my story" at the close if this e-mail. I respectfully request that you join me in this fight.

Fight for the Rights of Excelsior Nursing Grads - start free online petitions at petition spot



Thanks for the info. I'm an Lpn, although not pursuing my RN but will definately sign the petition. It's horrible the way Lpn's are treated. I once heard a Rn say a monkey could do an Lpn's job.

Our floor experience counts for nothing. I can vouch for that. In fact, our floor experience can be a detriment.

At one nursing home I was employed at, one of the patients fell to the floor with no pulse and not breathing. We called a code blue and me and another Lpn started chest compressions and I started bagging the pt. The Rn on shift with us admitted she hadn't started an IV since nursing school and didn't remember how, I decided to start the IV since I had done numerous Iv's in the Army and at my other job.

The policy @ this particular nursing home was that only Rn's could start IV's, Lpn's could only discontinue them. But given the fact that this man was dying and we needed to start a line, I told the Rn to bag the pt and I started the IV. I figured this was a life or death situation and if the RN couldn't do it, I had to. Or maybe that was my faulty reasoning. According to the Board of Nursing of many states, I as an Lpn have substandard critical thinking skills.

The man lived. In fact a week after the incident he was back at the nursing home.

Great, right?

Well, I also got written up for not following the policy of Lpn's not starting IV's.

The Rn who hadn't started the IV praised my quick thinking and Iv skills to another RN coworker who told our DON(Director of Nursing) who promptly wrote me up and warned me not to do it again. When I asked the DON what would happen if a code blue occured again and the Rn on staff couldn't start an IV again, I was told I still could not start the IV no matter how much experience I had doing IV's in the Army and at my other hospital job- it didn't count at this particular facility.

So if you see an Lpn standing around you not doing anything while you lay dying, it doesn't mean she/he doesn't know what to do, it means she/he is not allowed to help you until more qualified personnel arrive.

But if you don't want this situation to occur, sign the above's petition so that Lpn's can become RN's and use their skills!
When I am not studying -

MS in Public Health at SNHU in progress. Expected Grad Date - August 2017

Hardstyle Kettlebell Certified -2014, Ice Chamber Kettlebell Sport Certified - 2015

NCSF Personal Trainer -2010

Done! BS in LIBERAL STUDIES From Excelsior. Conferral Date - Dec 18, 2009!

Licensed Practical Nurse - 1996

Military - 58 credits
Traditional - 12 credits
Clep - 21 credits
Excelsior Exams - Organizational Behavior(B), World Population (A), Ethics (A), Cultural Diversity (B),Psychology of A&A (A), Gerontology (B)
DSST -Drugs & Alcohol (A), Civil War (A), Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (A), Social Psychology (A)
Penn Foster- Info Lit (passed)
WOW! I can sooooo relate to your story... and the "monkey can do our job" thing... well I just heard that the other day on a different message board. I was SHOCKED! What a terrible thing to say! I work with some really great RN's who are really disappointed about the VA nursing boards decision. I was told I could ASK for an personal extension on the deadline, which I will do (even though there is no guarantee they will grant it). In the meantime I just refuse to lay down and watch the "trickle down effect" occur from state to state with the end result being the ULTIMATE DEMISE of the Excelsior College LPN to Assoc. RN degree ALTOGETHER. I mean, SOMEBODY has to speak up! I figure, it starts with ONE voice... I may not win, but I HAVE to try. Thanks again for signing the petition, and if I ever were to collapse in public...

You sound like JUST the person I would want nearby!! Smile
You got my name on the petition. Smile
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
Thanks Clep101! Smile
My brother started off as a LPT than a LVN/LPN and is working on his RN, I asked him about the EC Nursing program and he said he could not use it , due to the issues going on about it right now.
bat21 Wrote:My brother started off as a LPT than a LVN/LPN and is working on his RN, I asked him about the EC Nursing program and he said he could not use it , due to the issues going on about it right now.

You're right... it IS horrible! It's as if the Boards of Nursing just want to discount all the previous clinical experience obtained by the LPN/LVN. I realize there are some differences between LPN/LVN's and RN's, but the focus of additional education needs to be placed ON THOSE DIFFERENCES ONLY. Once you've been taught how to tie your shoe, you don't need to be taught how to tie it again..." (probably not the best analogy) Smile

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