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UpGrad DBA Golden Gate U - 70% scholarships for 5,000 students
(09-13-2022, 01:11 PM)MrPanda Wrote:
(09-13-2022, 10:57 AM)cerich67 Wrote:
(09-13-2022, 10:20 AM)Harry101 Wrote: Hm, lets try it like this. Can you explain to me how does a degree that costs around 65k-70k $ in the US . Get's sold by an Indian education company for 12k $ ?

Literally all the US univ is doing is printing a degree. For that they are taking a sum that is profitable for them of the cash. Upgrad is taking some % and paying their "adjuncts" and delivering the course using wage arbitrage from India where the labour for the IT side, program development side and instructor side is around 10% of the states. So, a 65-70k degree if it costs 60k to deliver in states costs 6k in India. Charge 12-20K for the class and the margin and net dollars are actually better for everyone except the workers than normal US classes.

If Upgrad is doing enough to satisfy the partners accrediation bodies in the long run, we shall see.

Meanwhile, if so inclined, there is a window for people to get a degree at a great discount from recognized schools. If I wasn't not inclined to be doing a DBA for the next 3 yrs versus the 2 or hopefully 18 months at South college, I would be starting this program instead of south college's DBA in Oct.

But gonna roll the dice I can accellerate thru the SC DBA

[Image: 2-3.jpg]

It actually says: "2-3 years completion time".
It´s 1 year of courses + the thesis.

Your image didn't come thru, you are talking GGU?

They also have a exam on 3 different research courses at once before you can start dissertation. That sounds like not even the smallest amount of fun. i don't mind exams, but on 3 courses that are heavy on stats and all that research entails in general at once in one mega test to move forward after a year in the program? Screw that

(09-13-2022, 01:34 PM)ss20ts Wrote:
(09-13-2022, 01:05 PM)cerich67 Wrote: Because GGU isn't teaching the program, nor supplying faculty. Their cost basis is limited to the admin of printing degree, getting in alumni database and a GGU email etc. Housekeeping stuff. 

They don't allow US nationals living in teh state sto take because it will hurt their market. They consider the market that Upgrad is reaching as a distinctly different channel and want it to remain that way.

Over inflated? It's all labour, US labour is MUCH more, India labour is MUCH less

Yes, their tuition is overinflated. Tuition isn't based on labor. It's based on numerous factors. Labor doesn't necessarily enter into the equation. Why do they charge $65K? Because they can and people will pay it. 

If GGU faculty isn't teaching the program then it's hardly a GGC degree. 

Nothing like degrading your program. That's what they're doing. What's next a Groupon?
GGU charges 65k, upgrade 12-20K. You don't think labour inputs aren't part of costing?? Teaching is labour intensive, of course it is.

GGU is doing the degree, and to a great amount I agree with your sentiment there.

Agree, it is degrading their program, but it will take some time.

(09-13-2022, 01:46 PM)sanantone Wrote: Does this DBA fall under their accreditation? I would think their accreditor would have to approve this since the materials are different, the admissions requirements are different, and the instructors might not have the same level of qualifications.

I agree.

Let's take a look

GGU is currently RA with WASC but noted as "with a letter of concern" which means it is in danger of being found out of compliance.

Further GGU is ONLY approved to offer the DBA ON-Site. This Upgrad thing is problematic IMHO, and could be argued as not actually accredited. Of course GGU offering and delivering an unapproved program can get them in big trouble.

Their special visit to GGU Aug 21 was focused on finiances, enrollment and retention and completion. The first two are huge red flags, the first  telling me could go bust, the first and second telling me why they may be doing this thing with Upgrad. Good news is that there is 3 more years before WASC would be yanking accreditation if things don't turn around. So if GGU can keep the doors open money wise, someone starting and finishing this "could" have a RA DBA in hand, except the whole only approved for on-site. Uggh. If WASC finds out, I suspect that will get shut down, Upgrad will do a switch to a Swiss business whatever DBA for students and carry on.

Danger Will Robinson, danger

Certificate for the Study of Capitalism at University of Arkansas finished July 2022

MBA with Hellenic American University started March 29th, 2021 , finished May 20th 2022, Graduated in June 2022

BSBA at Thomas Edison State University started May 21st 2020 with Sophia and SDC, finished Jan 24th, 2021, Graduated on 12 March of 2021

Total time to complete both degrees 2 years exactly, total cost just a small bit over $10,000

Thanks Degreeforum!
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RE: UpGrad DBA Golden Gate U - 70% scholarships for 5,000 students - by cerich67 - 09-13-2022, 02:02 PM

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