(09-13-2022, 01:05 PM)cerich67 Wrote: Because GGU isn't teaching the program, nor supplying faculty. Their cost basis is limited to the admin of printing degree, getting in alumni database and a GGU email etc. Housekeeping stuff.
They don't allow US nationals living in teh state sto take because it will hurt their market. They consider the market that Upgrad is reaching as a distinctly different channel and want it to remain that way.
Over inflated? It's all labour, US labour is MUCH more, India labour is MUCH less
Yes, their tuition is overinflated. Tuition isn't based on labor. It's based on numerous factors. Labor doesn't necessarily enter into the equation. Why do they charge $65K? Because they can and people will pay it.
If GGU faculty isn't teaching the program then it's hardly a GGC degree.
Nothing like degrading your program. That's what they're doing. What's next a Groupon?