06-12-2020, 10:11 AM
Hi, Toastmaster.
My response has nothing to do with the value of an additional certificate. It has to do with you. You write, "...I missed out on the first few times around." I take that to mean that you didn't immediately enter college after high-school and graduate in four years. If I'm correct, and it's taken you a few efforts to get the degree, do YOU think that you have it in you to take the additional courses? Will YOU complete them? If so, no education is ever wasted, so go for it.
My response has nothing to do with the value of an additional certificate. It has to do with you. You write, "...I missed out on the first few times around." I take that to mean that you didn't immediately enter college after high-school and graduate in four years. If I'm correct, and it's taken you a few efforts to get the degree, do YOU think that you have it in you to take the additional courses? Will YOU complete them? If so, no education is ever wasted, so go for it.